Your useless talent

When I close my eyes before sleep, I can see very detailed pictures of creatures, portraits, even landscapes and mechanical blueprints...

Why is it a useless talent : I can't reproduce them (sadly).
My near-useless talent is removing labels, stickers, and decals from surfaces.

For tear-prone stickers it's all about patience and angle of attack. For the glue from stickers, duct tape can pull most of that up before you get to chemicals like Goo Gone or using a heat gun for automotive molding tape.

It's near-useless because there's no job that I know of titled "sticker remover". ;)
My useless talent is my drawing ability. It's useless because no one buys my Art. D:

I can count the words in sentences as I read a text, note when I've read 5, 10, 15, etc. words, and think to myself 'That sentence had XX words.' -- all while focusing on reading.
You must be cybernetically enhanced and you just dont know.
Maybe it's a case of Total Recall and you live a lie?
Maybe... just maybe you were a secret government agent enhanced with inhuman abilities such as this.
Useless talents... useless talents... I'm pretty good at finding where I lost something, but it's useless because I usually lose it again. A bunch of stuff other people have mentioned like being able to make my eyes shake, mirror-writing (I can also write with my non-dominant in the correct direction); I'm able to read and write upside down (as in with the page up the other way, not with me upside down; also not both at the same time).
I have the most useless talent of all, I will always without fail know when it is 7:47pm PST and look at a clock exactly when it turns to that time everyday without fail.
My useless talent is I can cause 2/3 of a store to panic and almost have a heart attack.

I am disabled and have a bad back and because of it, I can only go so far and long before my back and legs say fck it and just give up the fight with gravity. So at any given moment im a risk of doing a pretty good impression of a bag of potatoes falling off the back of a truck. Needless to say when a 39yo seeming healthy male colapes middle of store for no apparent reason it causes quite a bit of panic
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