Zerg Rush Best Strat

Zerg Rush Best Strat

Who needs any other factions, when you can just Monster Nest your way to victory?
Have a 40 card limit to your deck? I'm still going to have nearly 70 cards in play at once.
Don't want to waste your really powerful monster cards? Just use your third Monster Nest in one round.
It's not enough to have more cards in play, than pixels on the screen.
He played his Geralt gold OP card? Better just throw my deck at the board. It's a legit strat. Takes lots of 1337 skeelz. Git gud non-monster nubs.

Yes. I absolutely despise the Monster faction as a whole.
I saw this CS-BS coming.


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You're asking me to pray the RNG gods smile upon my terribly unfortunate self.:facepalm2:
I'd have to have half a deck of any of those semi-useful cards to have a half a chance of obtaining one in my hand. I have less fortune in my favour than your average textbook in high-school.

It doesn't change the fact that having two whole decks, on a single side, without using more than half a deck, is totally ludicrous by every standard.
I can't have more than three Blue Stripes Commandos in my deck. I guess having so much power would be totally off the wall. But breeding over 40 cards is high-level strat.
Breedable, is by far one of the play style the easiest to counter.

GeneralLeeInsane;n6893350 said:
It doesn't change the fact that having two whole decks, on a single side, without using more than half a deck, is totally ludicrous by every standard.

Since you opponent is under the same rules i don't see what's wrong.

bre3zer;n6893460 said:
Since you opponent is under the same rules i don't see what's wrong.

Yes, I want to switch to Monster faction, so I can BS my way to victories simply by taking my deck, splattering it on the board, and it's somehow always all legal moves.
Maybe there should be a stricter limit on Monster Nest card, so monster players can't literally spam cards. I'm not sure if there even is a limit. Maybe it's three, or maybe it's the limited to the total number of special cards you can have at any time.

And if you still think it looks good, as RNG makes it counterable, because I can rely on it like I can rely on a flat tire... Bear in mind how the board would look if there were three less cards in the photo on the monster side, and instead, a Commander's Horn buff on either row.
In my opinion, if anything breeding decks are underpowered. I don't play them but if i play against them it often end up in rage quitting by opponent when you destroy their tactics. It is extremely vulnerable strategy. It is hard to imagine someone playing it competitively atm against good decks
GeneralLeeInsane;n6893350 said:
You're asking me to pray the RNG gods smile upon my terribly unfortunate self.:facepalm2:
I'd have to have half a deck of any of those semi-useful cards to have a half a chance of obtaining one in my hand. I have less fortune in my favour than your average textbook in high-school.

It doesn't change the fact that having two whole decks, on a single side, without using more than half a deck, is totally ludicrous by every standard.
I can't have more than three Blue Stripes Commandos in my deck. I guess having so much power would be totally off the wall. But breeding over 40 cards is high-level strat.

That's not how probability works... Also, with both my Skellige deck and Scoiatel deck I can pretty much guarantee that I'll see every card in my deck, every game.
GeneralLeeInsane;n6893750 said:
Maybe there should be a stricter limit on Monster Nest card,

Did you, ever play, Monster Nest by any chance ?

I can tell you that it's by FAR, the lowest win rate mechanic in the faction. Getting counter by so many cards, that it's hilarous to think it's overpower.
Condition for winning, are SUPER high, and counter are SUPER CHEAP.

You should try it sometime if you can.

Because you had that "one" game where you didn't have any answer and your opponent just destroyed you with a nice 700stg. Doesn't mean it's strong. That dude probably had a great loose streak before that belive me.

--- Updated 06-11-16, 21:49 ---

Rethas;n6893820 said:
Nest strategies are some of the easiest to counter in the game.

Plague, Lacerate, Weather, Stammelfords, manticore venom, etc.

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