Zoom In permantely bound to R mouse button.

In every game I have ever played, I bind the R mouse button as "Move Forward". That's how I roll (move).

No matter what key I try to bind to "Zoom In" in the game's settings, the zoom in is still activated when I click my right mouse button. This is extremely annoying. I just want the R mouse button to move me forward, NOT zoom at all. I will bind zooming to other keys.

Is there a quick way to fix this or am I going to have to wait for a patch?

Thank you.


Forum regular
Certain keybinds are probably hard coded, meaning that you can't change them because the code won't let you.
If you are PC:

If you google this you will find instructions for changing most of the "hard coded" keys. If you are not comfortable with editing scripts and in this case INI and Configuration files this may be more daunting than it is worth however. You only need a text editor like Notebook but the "text" you will edit can be a little overwhelming if you are not use to this kind of thing.

I have changed the "grab stuff" key from R key to R-shift for example in my own game.

ALWAYS back up the file you are about to edit in case you mess it up!
In every game I have ever played, I bind the R mouse button as "Move Forward". That's how I roll (move).

No matter what key I try to bind to "Zoom In" in the game's settings, the zoom in is still activated when I click my right mouse button. This is extremely annoying. I just want the R mouse button to move me forward, NOT zoom at all. I will bind zooming to other keys.

Is there a quick way to fix this or am I going to have to wait for a patch?

Thank you.

You are changing wrong keybind. Right mouse button is by default used for "Aim", not for "Zoom In". Mouse scroll is used for "Zoom In"
Change "Aim" to whatever you want it to be instead of Right Mouse Button and assign RMB to "Move Forward" instead of W
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