major crimes and identity

major crimes and identity

I believe there should be a way to escape major crimes (as in murder of a politician,mass murder or raiding a corporate data center).

Beyond physical escape, there should be a two-tiered system of identity which would be nescessary to deal with to escape a particular group.

1. "bureaucratic" identity -- basically what large organisations (large corporations, cops, military, information brokers) have on file on the player character. I think I have touched upon it a lot in my other threads so I will not revisit the bulk of it here. I would just add

identity theft should be possible through netrunning to change one's legal identity.

As a design goal, I think it would be desirable if there is a trade-off between services and identity
E.g. you could apply for a driver's license, a monthly public transit pass, banking and even some form of medicare/insurance, but your face would permanently be in the system unless you went into those shady places that might or might not take your money and run.

A general strategic question to answer mid game should be "How much convenience should I have in exchange for giving up some of the tactical flexibility when committing a crime?"

2. Physical appearance -- Unless a PC is a reclusive hacker, someone else is always going to remember him/her.

There could be basic disguises, or a simple change of style/clothes and that should be enough to evade some low-level thugs with equally low intelligence. New vegas style gameplay.

Things get dicey when dealing with corporates or even a tech-savvy SMB owner connected to a data broker as surveillance technology is very impressive even in the early 21st century.

There is already software to both recognize face and predict criminal behaviour such as shoplifting. Reportedly, the former is more efficient then humans to detect specific faces in crowds and such. Some bars have already implemented this to identify troublemakers.

It is unlikely that such software would still be defeatable by simple means in 2077. .
but let's say that not all software is created equal for the sake of gameplay

Depending on the depth of physical changes the player goes through, the chances of detection should be higher or lower. A simple face camouflage (which would not be all that out of place in CP2020) might defeat some face recognition software. Likewise for a basic mask.

A large overcoat might also do the trick (it also might raise suspicions, but at least it does not raise an automatic alarm)

In extreme cases (where the cameras might use IR signatures for example), having radical changes through surgery like putting on exotic features ,having a sex change, going from a ginger dwarf to a wirey 7 foot tall character or going to a mech with more metal then meat would pretty much take care of it.

The consequence for being caught (beside being shot dead) for serious violent crimes would be effectively a loss of identity and skills resulting from a life on the run. I suspect that for RPers doing Ironman challenges (where saves might be limited to every week for example, this would be a quite a formidable deterrent.

A corporate,rockerboy,cops and media would be espescially hard hit. They might give up a hard-earned reputation as well as contacts.If they were able to bribe a bureaucrat or politician they would no longer have access to him. They would still retain their skills, but be forced to lose all their reputation. Their businesses, real estate and basically all that they have to their legal names. Cops might retain some contacts with the rogue elements of the police precincts but otherwise be prevented from doing any official tasking.

For a solo to do a major crime and be caught, he would have to give up most of his implants that would make him visually unique and easily distinguishable from a crowd. Likewise, an "original meat" character would consider going for a full mech style to avoid the authorities.

The idea here is a gradation of difficulty based on severity of the crime, the location(combat zone or corporate?) and strategic choices (do I give up most of what I accumulated so far including who I am for that one big shot, do I risk it all? Do I stay "safe" in combat areas or do I try to mess with corporates? ).

(To be clear: there should be areas where you could commit violent crimes in relative impunity like in fallout, what I just wrote applies only to major crimes in relevant areas like if you wanted to pull of a big big heist or something. I would like to reiterate also there should be mechanics so that with proper scouting and preparation, you need not get caught and live life on the run)

Have a look in this thread:

I was wondering more along the lines of 'What can we be arrested for?" and "What will the effects of being arrested entail for gameplay?"

Being found in direct possesion of an automatic weapon is supposed to carry a 5-7 year prison sentence. Given how violent the dark future is, and how many automatic weapons already permeate 2020, do we think that in 2077 that law will still be in play? If so, will the punishment remain so strict? Will we still get 5-7 years, or could the punishment be as low as a fine?

Also, CCTV and the like could capture a lot of things we woulod rather go un-noticed. How much of that should be around 2077? I really don't want psychic guards like there were in Skyrim. If no-one finds out a crime is commited, then that's it. No witnesses, no evidence to tie me to a crime, then I am innocent. No body, no murder.

Wisdom brought up the topic of hiding your identity a while ago. I took the piss a bit at the time, but it is a serious topic. He suggested masks and gloves to conceal it. But much like today, your identity is not just what you look like. There is a paper trail. In 2020 pretty much everyone had a SIN;
SIN - n. Single (or System) Identification Number. An ID number unique to each citizen. Many streetpeople (nomads, derelicts) are said to be "SINless", i.e. without a SIN. This makes them unknown (non-existent) to the system. It allows them to move about in society more freely than a `recorded' citizen, but also allows the enforcers of society (police and corp. security) to punish/abuse them without due process since, technically, they `do not exist'.

SIN Card - n. A registered citizens universal ID card. It functions as a combination ID card, driver's license, medical data, organ donor, residence, and ATM card, all in one. Losing this card can have serious side effects for the owner.

Your SIN was often tied to everyday activities. Your bank accounts, your phone, your weapons, your home, your job, your life! You could "Get a new pair of shoes", which is another phrase for a new identity. A fake SIN. You could basically be a completely different person this way. Only your face and your DNA would be the same for both, but even that can be changed in 2020.

So, do we want something like a SIN in 2077?
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