Foglet, a creature of mist

Foglet, a creature of mist

Foglets can appear wherever thick fog arises: swamplands, mountain passes or the shores of rivers and lakes. If no fog is forthcoming, they can create or summon it themselves. By manipulating fog they can separate travelers from each other, hide trails and deafen noise.

You can learn more about this mysterious creaturehere.
Yup, Polish is Polish, but both English and Russian are in cyrillic.

Foglets can appear wherever there is thick fog: swamps, mountain passes, banks of rivers and lakes. If the fog is not present, then they can generate their own mist. Manipulating the mist they can cooperate with each other, to hide the trail and drown out their sounds. Like creepy fireflies, their bodies emit a pale light, which they use to lure wanders in the fog to the ravines, swamps or caves, where they build their lairs. Battling Foglets, witcher should endeavour to remain calm and be careful. Since Foglets can take an intangible form, a small flicker of air or the rustle of grass are the only clues to the Witcher, betraying their location. Aard sign forces them to return to their material form, making effective a sword or any other weapon.

Some changes to the literal meaning to give a more natural translation that seems plausible.
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Yea issue with the language, but the creature looks creepy as shit and it has that typical CDPR creature design magic.

Also I love the possible Environment interaction with the creature... Like if Fog just all of a sudden appears, or when you go into Fog, you know a Foglet might be around and you can prepare specifically with any Oils/Potions/Bombs that are effective for use on them.
Really interesting. I like the fact they create not only the fog but also the lights to misguide their prey.
"Look! Lights in the fog - safe place" :)
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Pretty impressive design. however since they don't posses a stomach, where will the victim's flesh be going ?
maybe they just grind the meat and then piss it off from their opened chest.
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It is possible that their digestive system look alike that in The Strain series. Or judging from his insides changes directly in energy source by magic ways. I wonder will old monsters get their rediesign or stay the same?
They look great and the mechanics behind them sound great!

If you designed the majority of your other creatures with some unique mechanic in mind then you guys will yet again be putting every other game dev studio to shame.
Dear God... Quickly, someone go get Antonio Banderas!

Why him? :S

EDIT: Sorry, I was so confused...I forgot talk about the Foglet!
Fight them looks interesting, and the appearance...WTF!! AMAZING! LOOK HIS GUTS!!! Or..his no-guts....
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