Midinváerne with Gwent - contest results!



Midinváerne with Gwent - contest results!

Midinváerne is over. The festivities slowly come to an end, and the holiday magic fades into another fond memory. However, before we return to our routine, there is one final, pleasant task…

The time has come to announce the winners of our forum-exclusive competition that was held over the past month! In order to win, contestants needed to utilize their vast knowledge about Gwent and the cards, show a great deal of patience and prove their keen senses.

The winner of the competition is DEERCG
DEERCG will receive 2 FUNKO POP vinyl figurines, GOTY Game Guide and a bag of goodies!

The reward for the second place goes to Offerlamm
Offerlamm will receive 1 FUNKO POP vinyl figurine, GOTY Game Guide and a bag of goodies!

And, last but not least, the third place goes to Macana
Macana will receive GOTY Game Guide and a bag of goodies!

Congratulations to the winners!

Congratulations to all the other participants as well! The competition was fierce, and you have fought well for the prizes.


Here are the correct answers for all tasks:

1. Alzur’s Test

1. How many cards can you find in a barrel?
C) 5

2. Who invented Gwent?
A) Dwarves

3. What faction will be added soon?
B) Nilfgaard

4. How many turns does Kambi need to activate its special ability?
B) 3

5. Which dragon is not neutral?
D) Saskia

6. How much power can Manticore Venom remove from a card?
C) 4

7. Each time a Ghoul is placed on a table…
A) ...he can absorb the power of a card from the graveyard

8. Who is the author of the soundtrack from the Gwent main menu?
A) Mikołaj Stroiński

9. When did the Gwent closed beta start?
C) 25th October

10. Who is the “Iron Maiden”?
C) Jutta an Dimun

2. Dwarven Blather




3. The Conjunction of the Spheres

1. http://forums.cdprojektred.com/forum...10#post6904110

2. http://forums.cdprojektred.com/forum...30#post7045430

3. http://forums.cdprojektred.com/forum...00#post7197200

4. http://forums.cdprojektred.com/forum...80#post7069480

4. Warcry

1. Let's show 'em what real art is.

2. Vrihedd, spar'le!

3. Naïvety is a fool's blessing…

5. Demolished Deck

1. Iorveth

2. Zoltan: Animal Tamer

3. Roach

4. Lambert

5. Johnny

6. Witcher Senses

Vattier Hehehe. I'm totally wrong at task 3. I'm sorry for thinking you were set trap and put Yrden on it. Finally, I trapped myself by thinking too much. :) But that's strange when I can't find any Midinváerne word in these post by search function of forum. :(

Burza46 , Riven-Twain , Sunsibar, Marcin_Momot Thanks all to your congratulations to us. I'm very rejoice when Vattier email and let me know this news.

Thank you to CD Projekt RED and Vattier for this competition. Even if I haven't win, I still enjoy every task. Have a lot of fun and feel a same when I do a quest in the Witcher 3.

All of you are awesome. I love The Witcher 3 and love Gwent. Best of game I ever play. I wish I will have Geralt in Funko Pop. He's my favorite character in The Witcher 3.

I want to reply this so soon but my connectivity is very bad a few days ago. Because all internet gateway go through outside from my country had broken.

Btw, I want to use my mobile data (it's higher connection prior) to login this forum by phone or tablet as iPhone and iPad, but after put username and password, then it's just kick me out.
DEERCG;n7478660 said:
Btw, I want to use my mobile data (it's higher connection prior) to login this forum by phone or tablet as iPhone and iPad, but after put username and password, then it's just kick me out.
Some users have reported similar issues with mobile devices. We'll try to investigate this.

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