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  1. R

    1.5 Ongoing Bugs List - [1.52]

    Seeing as CDPR removed my post about bugs & issues and redirected it to here I'm guessing they want the post to be put here instead? These are written as objectively as possible so they can hopefully by fixed by 1.6. Deleting this post does not make the issues go away General Issues -...
  2. R

    1.5 Ongoing Bugs List - [1.52]

    Buggy Missions - The Hunt - Diabled turrets and camera reactivate after loading a save. They sometimes reactivate after walking into the house, then then when walking back out. Also some mines are impossible to disable using tech skill - Gig: No Fixers - Parking Iris's van in Dakota's garage...
  3. R

    Consume monsters require less skill ? (DAGON too strong)

    Yeah I can get behind that, removing the rally effect seems really good. He's ability otherwise gives him ridiculous versatility especially when he gets card advantage
  4. R

    "New" Player Experience

    That's pretty normal, from here on out your progress will depend on what cards you get from kegs and which faction you all in on. Currently the best factions to rank up on are Scoiatael (Control & Ambush) and Monsters (Consume). They have by far the most consistent decks and the strongest decks.
  5. R

    Consume monsters require less skill ? (DAGON too strong)

    They are very strong, but no deck is brain dead to play. Assuming you have a good deck, there are ways to beat Consume Monsters, it can be tough but they can be beaten. I completely agree w/ you that Consume Monsters is one of the strongest decks in the game, thus it's a top tier meta deck...
  6. R

    Is it just me or does Skellige really suck?

    I'm currently rank 9 and have been using the Panda's Control X-Men. It's been 2 wins and 2 losses for like 4 days in a row. Despite the shabby winrate, it's one of the better Skellige decks as long as you get 2-3 Axemen in your opening hand. It very easily beats out Warcry in power and can...
  7. R

    Is it just me or does Skellige really suck?

    Is it just me or does Skellige really suck? Been a Skellige player since previous patch, tried Queensguard out but it's terrible b/c both Monster and Nilfguard can interact w/ your graveyard. Correct me if I'm wrong but it seems like the only viable Skellige is w/ Axemen, which seems gimmicky...
  8. R

    Ambush pretty OP right now

    Funny enough weather does still work at least on ladder, since most people think weather isn't good anymore, people stop running clear weathers. When you finally encounter the odd weather deck, you lose. I don't personally play weather monsters but my brother does and he said he was having good...
  9. R

    GWENT Closed Beta Status Update

    So you're saying when they promise to give back Game Progression in the form of Ore and scrap, that's not literal. It will be indirectly fulfilled in the form of Kegs for Player lvls, rank and end-season rewards. You're absolutely certain this is what they mean?
  10. R

    The New Patch Information Thread

    He is not vastly better than every other leader, because his ability only useful in a very narrow window of situations. Harold is only effective well on a big board and ideally if you have cards on your board that benefit from it. On a board w/ 5-7 non-gold minions, it's a 10-14 point swing...
  11. R

    GWENT Closed Beta Status Update

    Does this mean that cards in the collection are automatically converted in to scrap or I need to convert everything in to scrap before Open Beta for that to carry over?
  12. R

    Ladder Rewards and Value for Money

    Is it possible to pitch this idea to the devs?
  13. R

    The New Patch Information Thread

    Most players I encounter playing Skellige use King Bran, because discarding cards is good and Warships are good. Harald is terrible because his ability is only sort of relevant on a big board, and his ability doesn't synergize with anything except Clan Tuirseach Axeman, which gets shut down hard...
  14. R

    The New Patch Information Thread

    No the only thing far from reality is your brain. Their main win conditions are the creatures that generate weather, creatures that are directly buffed from weather and weather immune creatures that are generated from weather or creatures. Additionally they have a very reliable Weather sources...
  15. R

    Ladder Rewards and Value for Money

    I realize this was posted a year ago but currently that is simply not the case. Dailies currently reward 100 ores for 6 wins (tier 1) 75 ores for 12 wins (tier 2) and 45 ores for 24 wins (tier 3 and onwards). By doing just the 1st two tiers you only get 175 ores and some from gg rewards...
  16. R

    The New Patch Information Thread

    Skellige's nerfs are extremely painful mainly due to the buffs to Lock and the nerfs to Restore and War Longships - War Longships are already useless because Lock stays on even in the grave, reviving it no longer removes it, which make the ships really useless in the late game. The strength...
  17. R

    Ermion Bugs

    Just speculation but I feel like the War Longships + Ermion not triggering the Longships isn't an Ermion bug so much as it is a Longship bug. Every other discard effect seems to be from the deck to graveyard. - Ermion's discard is from hand to graveyard, because you draw 2 1st then discard 2...
  18. R

    [Bug] Savage Bear didn't activate it's ability when played

    That may be obvious to players who have played the game a lot, but to a new player picking up the game that's not obvious. Since it's still closed Beta, now is a good time to make those card descriptions more intuitive when read. Since there is no "Battle Cry" or "When this enters the...
  19. R

    Ermion Bugs

    Additional BUG I couldn't hide cards when I was trying to look at the board when I was trying to decide what to discard with Ermion
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