Recent content by BadAtUsernames

  1. B

    Never seen a game get this positive reception on the notorious 4chan

    Never seen a game get this positive reception on the notorious 4chan People usually say a lot of harsh stuff because of anonymity, and by those standards it's really cool when a game is almost unanimously liked.
  2. B

    Side Quests Should Not Disappear..and Shortened Weapon Enhancement in 1.04?

    Missable quests was one of my biggest problems with the game, I was kinda hoping there would be some fallback system in place if you miss something and don't do things in the "correct" order.
  3. B

    This game is a Buggy tired of crap like ruins a great game

    I haven't encountered a single quest-breaking bugs and have seen only a few odd glitches, mostly goofy ones like Roach running funny. Personally I'm very happy considering how big the game is (compare to Skyrim or Fallouts for example, the quality difference is enormous) though I understand it...
  4. B

    DLC 7+8 out now

    Keep in mind that the quests might have been in a half-finished state before discs were made. No mater what, I think adding stuff to the game after release is very nice of them, it's not like the base game isn't big as hell to boot with.
  5. B

    The Witcher 3 and CDPR Appreciation thread

    I can't praise this game enough. It's the first one in years that has had me so immersed in the game world and playing for hours and hours in a row. The sheer amount of detail, content and dedication is unbelievable, to be frank I don't think I've played ANY other game with such level of care...
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