Recent content by Dracolich55

  1. D

    HoS: Deadwight Wood

    Yeah, I actually spent an hour running around that area because I thought there had to be some hidden secret... I liked the area, but it could've been more than just one Leshen fight and some treasure hunt quest.
  2. D

    [SPOILERS] The lack of Witcher 2 decisions and content in The Witcher 3.

    I would assume he is important just because he is mentioned quite a bit in The Witcher 3. I was actually surprised how many times his name was dropped, unlike Iorveth... I think I heard the name "Iorveth" like one time. Even then, it may have been my min playing tricks on me (meaning he was...
  3. D

    The save import was weak and lazy

    Appealing to the mass-market, eh? Honestly the biggest thing that could have been done to accommodate for the import system is reduce the world size. TW3 would have been a better overall game if the map was half the size, and instead those funds were allocated for a proper import system.
  4. D

    The save import was weak and lazy

    True enough, but CDPR does love to brag about "meaningful choices and consequences", choices and consequences that were never realized because of the import system.
  5. D

    The Bittersweet Ending is actually a Bad Ending ... and it's All Geralt's Fault. [SPOILERS]

    I don't understand why people seem to think the only way Ciri can help people is by being Empress. Monsters are not going to all go extinct overnight, and even killing monsters around "forgotten villages" is doing some good, besides I think Ciri would would put the needs of the common...
  6. D

    Dijkstra is so underrated

    Well I would agree but there are two problem with this: 1) Book Emhyr and Nilfgaard=/= Game Emhyr and Nilfgaard. It has become quite clear that the *game* version of Nilfgaard is portrayed in a more positive light and "whitewashed" in comparison to the book counterpart. Heck, even that whole...
  7. D

    the witcher 1 chapter 4 vs tw2 and tw3 [spoilers]

    I hated the backtracking too, but looking back it at now... I practically have all of Vizima and the Swamps lodged in my memory. When I played that game, I felt immersed to the point of felling part of that world- moreso than any game I have ever played, even TW2 and TW3.
  8. D

    the witcher 1 chapter 4 vs tw2 and tw3 [spoilers]

    Coming off the books, chapter 4 in that game felt the most "Witcher like" to me. Just thinking about that chapter makes me want to play that game again....
  9. D

    Favorite Monster?

    I like Leshens, Fiends and Chorts the most. Only wish they were in the game more. I have done every side quest I had come across, and went to every POI on the map and I fought only like 5 Fiends, 4 Leshens and 2 Chorts in the entire game.
  10. D

    [Mild Character Spoilers] Missed opportunities for romance options

    Why do people want this? I really don't understand. Its screwed up, and frankly something neither of those characters would ever want.
  11. D

    Why the main narrative in the last third of the game is a bad hot mess [major spoilers!!!]

    Yeah, the bad ending seems to be one big "screw you" to the player. Even in Tw2, when you were making an informed choice, you would be aware of the consequences through logic and reason if not the very information that is directly present in the game. The "bad" ending seems so... random based on...
  12. D

    What Ending should be the canon ending?

    I can see why Galahad was not in the game., and why Ciri and other story elements were changed in general. Sure one reason is the convenience, but I believe there is another reason. IMO, the books and games have quite a different tone. The books are like an amalgamation of various Slavic and...
  13. D

    What Ending should be the canon ending?

    My favorite ending is the Witcheress ending, but from what I have seen, the Empress ending has a more "complete" felling to it- the other two feel rather tacked on and added for the sake of having multiple endings.
  14. D

    So, maybe a sotry improvement patch in the future?

    By "all" I was referring to the main things people mentioned- Triss, Sigi, Wild Hunt and Iorveth. These seem to be the biggest problems that I see mentioned, and I am saying even of these four, not all of them will be addressed.
  15. D

    So, maybe a sotry improvement patch in the future?

    TBH I think its a little hopeful that *all* of these issues will be addressed. The Triss issue will be fixed for sure, but I am not so sure on Dijkstra. Saskia and Iorveth might be mentioned at least (I think Iorveth will appear) in the expansions, but not in the main game. Dijkstra and the...
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