Recent content by kielera7

  1. K

    Analysis: With Witcher 3 CDPR no longer treat the players like adults [SPOILERS] are not mature if you think that there are no evil people in the real world.I think how they implemented the villains was dumb but i get what they were going for.Radovid could have made an interesting villain if they gave reason as to why he snapped.In the books Ereden is an elven...
  2. K

    What disappointed you about this game?

    I loved 95% of the game but there were some glaring problems 1.the wild hunt and ereden were never fleshed out and the white frost came out of nowhere at the end and is never explained. 2.3rd act felt rushed and weird.the final battle felt anti climatic and had no build up compared to Kaer...
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