Recent content by Mad-E-Fact

  1. M

    How/When does 5% Bonus Gold Trophy work?

    Is it though? The bonus XP mods never made sense to me given how little XP you get for monster kills. Say you get 4 XP for a ghoul, what's 5% of that? Does the game round up or down to the next integer? And if it does, what's the practical difference between a 5% mod and a 10% mod?
  2. M

    How much more story left after KM siege? When to start HoS?

    It is kinda hard to justify wasting time with horse races and fist fights while everyone is preparing for the final blow on Eredin. On the other hand, Geralt might well not survive that fight so who can blame him if he wants to seize the chance to immortalize himself as champion of the arena. :D...
  3. M

    Quest Reason of State - the most disappointing quest in the game and maybe even in the whole series

    Radowid becoming a lunatic I can somewhat understand given that he's quite young and the events of the past few years certainly took a toll on him, although him ordering Geralt killed out of the blue because "reasons" was really stretching it. But having then Dijkstra pull his sword and charge...
  4. M

    Witcher 3 music

    If you check out their website, it lists what instruments they use: Presumably the remaining songs on the soundtrack use the same instruments for a consistent sound..
  5. M

    Optional Romantic Encounters which SHOULD have existed

    You can return to WO later when the patient is cured, still can't bang the herbalist.
  6. M

    Optional Romantic Encounters which SHOULD have existed

    I never said he should have jumped on her right there lol. But she clearly wanted it, and Geralt wanted it, just the director was like "nope, sorry, not in the prologue."
  7. M

    Optional Romantic Encounters which SHOULD have existed

    Dat ass says it all (no other NPC does that afaik). And Geralt clearly flirts with her. It's certainly more plausible than some of the out-of-the-blue sex scenes in the game.
  8. M

    Optional Romantic Encounters which SHOULD have existed

    The herbalist in White Orchard should definitely have been bangable, and probably was intended to be the way she stretches her ass out and flirts with Geralt, but it was probably cut at the last moment. Hopefully the content can be restored one day, it's likely still in the game files. As for...
  9. M

    [Spoiler] Does romance Keira has consequences with Triss or Yen?

    I put her to the sword after banging her. Better not to leave any witnesses hehehe.
  10. M

    How much more story left after KM siege? When to start HoS?

    Well the whole siege took me almost to lvl 30 (I had forgotten how the game likes to pile on XP for the main quest). It's good that I got the low lvl quests out of the way first. Glad to hear there's still a good chunk of content left to do.
  11. M

    I'm thinking of buying the Witcher and need some help..

    Isn't 760 the card that gave people constant crashes? Dunno if that was ever fixed by drivers; can't trust nvidia with driver support for old hardware these days.
  12. M

    Physical Gwent Cards Appreciaton Thread

    It's puzzling to me that CDP don't sell Gwent decks regularly, instead opting to keep them as rare (and overpriced) collector's items. Surely having a large number of Gwent players would do a lot for brand recognition and increase sales of Witcher titles.
  13. M

    Why are black horses PURPLE?

    Everything in the game has a reddish tint. I had assumed that's intended coz, y'know, CDProjekt RED and all. Pretty sure there are Reshade presets that address it.
  14. M

    CDPR Unnecessary changes into The Witcher 3

    Very much appreciated addition. Don't use 'em if you don't like 'em.
  15. M

    how to use new consumable slots

    Hold down UP/DOWN on pad to switch the slots.
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