Recent content by meduslaacis

  1. M

    Quest updated messages and sound effect removal

    Same script, search for functions AddCraftingSchematicUpdate, AddAlchemySchematicUpdate, AddMapPinUpdate, etc. and look for proper lines to comment out.
  2. M

    Quest updated messages and sound effect removal

    You can do it yourself. Find the script and search for lines with "soundEvent" in them. For example: newJournalUpdate.soundEvent = "gui_ingame_quest_active"; Then just delete what's inside quotation marks so it looks like this: newJournalUpdate.soundEvent = ""; You can...
  3. M

    Question about location of letter/books in game files

    Try asking the author of this mod maybe?
  4. M

    NG+ rebalance

    Don't quests have a set level no matter your level? Basically +30 from regular game. So yeah, if you start with a level 40 character you ain't gonna receive almost any experience from quests until you catch up to a -5 range (that's when you start earning full experience).
  5. M

    So... Gwent difficulty modes

    Didn't see anything in the flash files that would indicate that they do. I guess it makes sense, because they are on average already with a higher strength than regular cards. Also they're not strictly better, like in situations where you want to use Horn or Nurse ability. Nothing else really...
  6. M

    So... Gwent difficulty modes

    Indeed. I looked at some flash files with the mod editor and JPEXS flash editor and found a different formula for calculating deck strengths. Didn't have time to study it, but I'll drop it here if you want to try to break it down. public function originalStength() : int { var...
  7. M

    So... Gwent difficulty modes

    Ok, interesting. So the only card that's forced in the hand is just the specialCard not the dynamic ones. Also interesting how Villen and Dandelion shows up on a lower deck strength than for example Zoltan.
  8. M

    1.31 Debug console?

    Just find the file general.ini in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\bin\config\base folder and add a line under [General] DBGConsoleOn=true No need to install anything.
  9. M

    So... Gwent difficulty modes

    What about the total amount of cards in the npc deck? Does the number ever change? If you look at that script and count the cards that he is supposed to have + the cards that change by changing the difficulty (they should be listed there too) + dynamic cards. What do the numbers say? Does it...
  10. M

    So... Gwent difficulty modes

    Well, you intrigued me and I looked at some other scripts and it looks like the game calculates deck strengths with the following formula: weather card - 5 value horn card - 5 value draw card - 1 value scorch card - 8 value summon clones card - 0.5 value decoy - 2 value improve neighbours - 4...
  11. M

    So... Gwent difficulty modes

    I'm not entirely sure how that works but it looks like the game calculates difficulty + possibly how good your deck is and then switches some cards around in the npc's deck accordingly by either adding them to the deck or maybe just straight up in the starting hand. There is also a "specialCard"...
  12. M

    So... Gwent difficulty modes

    It might be helpful for you to know that you can look at the script and there you can see exact list of all the cards each npc has along with the chances of him having or not having a specific card. If you're on a console then you can just find the script on Nexus. That would...
  13. M

    [MOD] Crow's Perch And Hattori Fast Travel

    If you would teleport to the middle of Crow's Perch courtyard during the burning stables scene, for example, it would probably not lead to anything good. It's just like with the Fast Travel from Anywhere mod. You have to think ahead what you're doing and everything's going to be fine.
  14. M

    [TUTORIAL] Bestiary, Character, Quest log entries

    Thank you guys, much appreciated, I was using v0.19, had missed the updates, everything working now on v0.24. Have a good day!
  15. M

    [TUTORIAL] Bestiary, Character, Quest log entries

    Thank you for the tutorial. Please help me understand what I'm missing here, but Sarcen's editor doesn't allow me to change or edit GUID or parentGUID variables. Everything else can be changed by just clicking in the value fields, except these.
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