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  1. RubioSyHw

    Judy romance update/expansion/DLC.

    Hi. How are you. Good Morning, Afternoon, or Night. As Well We All Know or Some. Characters Entering V's Life, Like Jackie Wells. Judy. Panam ETC ETC. I feel like they should have more interaction. With V since in a given moment in the situation in which V is, there is no "happy ending" with one...
  2. RubioSyHw

    Judy Alvarez is bugged

    Some are not so bothered. That's why there is no talk about it, but it is a bug. What would be great is that when Judy gives you access to her apartment. Can You Sleep There. Call you by phone. or even if she's in her apartment chat. o Eat Together. ETC ETC
  3. RubioSyHw

    Characters of History

    Hi. How are you. Good Morning, Afternoon, or Night. As Well We All Know or Some. Characters Entering V's Life, Like Jackie Wells. Judy. Panam ETC ETC. I feel like they should have more interaction. With V since in a given moment in the situation in which V is, there is no "happy ending" with one...
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