Fortifigh in ranked matches is no downside / Villentretenmerth

Fortifigh in ranked matches is no downside / Villentretenmerth

I dont get it. Why can player fortifigh as often as they want. It is a pain in the a** in casual games, because you dont get any exp but at least two wins which helps with the daily quest.

But in ranked matches the last two players just fortifighed and I got only two wins which do shit in ranked because they dont add to the daily quest. You should not be able to take place in any more multiplayer games for the next 30 or better 60 minutes when you fortifigh.

Then one player had a gold card with a dragon (Villentretenmerth). The card killes the strongest two units on my side after 3 rounds. WTF? What is this. What can I do? Its a Gold card, you cant harm it with 90% of your cars because they have non-gold actions.

Hagiman2000;n7835550 said:
Then one player had a gold card with a dragon (Villentretenmerth). The card killes the strongest two units on my side after 3 rounds. WTF? What is this. What can I do? Its a Gold card, you cant harm it with 90% of your cars because they have non-gold actions.
Dimeritium Bomb (silver) or Dimeritium Shackle (bronze) will turn Borkh (another name for this card) silver and make it so you can harm him. Be careful with that strategy against NR or SK though. You can also play spies if you have them since they will likely get toasted netting you card advantage without the downside of points on their side of the board.
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