Unofficial Gwent Glossary [Outdated.]

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Unofficial Gwent Glossary

***This Glossary is outdated. The most recent edition may be found here: An Unofficial Gwent Glossary.***

This is a work in progress. In response to questions and confusion about what the various terms and descriptions in Gwent mean, I have compiled the following glossary. This list includes both basic and complex terms. As the game changes, I will make an effort to update, correct, and expand this guide.

The Factions and Their Abilities: Loyals.png[/U]
- Can be played on any row.
Melee - Can be played only on the Melee row.
Ranged - Can be played only on the Ranged row.
Siege - Can be played only on the Siege row.

Disloyal - Can be played on the opponent's side of the board.

Card Types (indicated by the border frame of the card):
- Common cards, vulnerable to almost all damage and effects.
Silver - Less common, but still vulnerable to most damage and effects.
Gold - Unique, immune to most effects.

Card Rarity (not to be confused with the colour of a card's border frame):
Rarity is indicated by the small coloured box in the lower right of the card's border, and by the coloured bar beside the description of its abilities.

Platinum - Common
Blue - Rare
Violet - Epic
Gold - Legendary.

Detailed Classifications:
Ambush -
Card which is played face-down, and is only revealed under certain conditions, as described on the card.
Breedable - Card which can be copied using Monster Nest.
Buffed (unmarked) - Card with increased strength (number value in green).
Dwarf - Unit card with class-specific bonuses.
Elf - Unit card with class-specific bonuses.
Fleeting - Card which can be played only once, or is completely removed from play when destroyed (is not sent to Graveyard). See banished.
Machine - Siege Row unit card with class-specific bonuses.
Mage - Unit card with class-specific bonuses.
Permadeath - Unit which can only resurrected by very specific cards, otherwise, cannot be resurrected.
Potion - Specific class of card which provides a bonus or immunity for unit or units.
Revealed (unmarked) - Card which appears face-up, either on the battlefield or in a player's hand.
Relentless - Card which cannot be returned to the player's hand.
Shapeshifter - Card which can transform into another card.
Special - A card with an ability or effect.
Spawned (unmarked) - Special or unit card summoned by another card.
Spying - Disloyal unit which is subject to class-specific conditions.
Unit (unmarked) - A card with strength of its own, not a Special card.
Weakened - Any unit with reduced strength (number value appearing in red.)
Weather - Card which spawns a weather effect.
Witcher - Unit card with class specific bonuses.

Quen/Shield - Protects its bearer from one strength-removing effect, but not from destruction by cards such as Scorch, Villentretenmerth, or Geralt: Igni.
Resilience - A resilient unit stays on the battlefield for the next round.
Weather Immunity - A card with Weather Immunity is not affected by weather.

Banished -
A banished card has been completely removed from play. It cannot be resurrected. A card can be banished when its Base Strength is reduced to zero, of if it is Fleeting.
Base Copy - A copy of a card with its original strength.
Base Strength - The permanent strength of a card (number value appearing in white, not green).
Battlefield - The playing board of Gwent.
Destroyed - If a card is merely 'destroyed' it is removed from the Battlefield to the Graveyard, and has not been banished.
Discard - Move a card from your hand or deck to the Graveyard.
Graveyard - Location for cards which have been removed from the battlefield.
Instance - A pre-existing copy of a card either in the player's hand or in the deck. Copies can be created or drawn from the deck by certain other cards, however, base copies are not spawned cards.
Locked - A locked unit loses all its tokens (Resilience, Quen/Shield, Weather Immunity), and its abilities do not trigger while it remains on the battlefield.
Mulligan - Stage at the beginning of the first round wherein players can redraw 3 cards.
Resurrect - Ability to return unit from the Graveyard to the Battlefield.


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Riven-Twain;n7968530 said:
Card Colours (indicated by the border frame of the card):

I would change "Card Colours" to "Card Quality" because rarity also has colours.

Riven-Twain;n7968530 said:
Fleeting - Card which can be played only once.

I would change the Fleeting description a little: When the card is destroyed, it is removed from the game (instead of going to the graveyard). Thus it can be played only once.
Thanks... useful thread specially for new players.

Add this.. Event / Medic / Resurrect / Discard / Swap / Reset /

Add all faction names with their faction abilities like Northern Realms - +2 to all gold units etc.
If Possible add Card Symbol / Banner meaning too like counter with number is showing turns / skull is related to after death effect / Sword indicates melee row card etc.
Thank you both for the suggestions. I'll be making some additions soon.
TH3WITCH3R;n7970170 said:
If Possible add Card Symbol / Banner meaning too like counter with number is showing turns / skull is related to after death effect / Sword indicates melee row card etc.
I'm currently looking into this.
Thanks for the Glossary! Very Helpful Indeed

***CD Projekt Red***
Please Please Please add hover over tooltips on the card with a little better description of what the card does so we can learn the cards IN GAME and not on the forums! I hope that is in the works because it would make the game a lot more inviting and a lot less... oh he played that card.. wait why was that able to stay on the field? (When there is not indicating text on the card and my strategy is turned a bit sideways...)

I think just a little warranted criticism of the current build of the game. Other than that I am having tons of fun and will be streaming it here and there!


Riven-Twain;n7968530 said:
Banished - A banished card has been completely removed from play. It cannot be resurrected.

I was just reminded of another important detail. So another small suggestion...

Banished - A banished card has been completely removed from play. It cannot be resurrected. A card is banished because it's fleeting or because its base strength was reduced to zero.
Riven-Twain hm.. i would probably change the description of Destroyed to specify "From the battlefield"
because the current description implies discarding, can also mean destroyed.

"If a card is merely 'destroyed' it is moved from the battlefield to the Graveyard, and has not been banished."
Something like that.

also applies to relentless - a card cannot be returned to the players hand, from the battlefield.
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What about the hourglass/number for turn based abilities, and the flame icon for, abilities? (never actually thought about it until now, starting out I just thought there was a lot of fire magic)
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Guest 4088590

Agreed, hourglass/flame are not properly explained in tutorial so putting them here would be helpful.
New_Faded SoupStraw

These are more or less what these abilities mean.
Now the thing is, is that so many cards don't actually have the relevant icon, and some cards have one when they shouldn't.
...NIlfgaard cards have no icons at all. :mad:
So i understand it's Incredibly confusing.

This is because some cards' icons haven't been updated since the beginning of the game.
Any time a card has been changed or been added it hasn't always had the icon updated, added or removed

Take these with a pinch of salt, but they are more or less accurate.

Flame Icon
A card with this symbol has an active relevant ability. Such as a passive snowball or continuous effect, or gains a token upon play, such as Quen, Weather Immunity, or Resilience. Also applies to cards that are played unrevealed (ambush cards).

EDIT: I'm not sure the tokens are correct now, given that they have changed recently to be 'on play' effects. and cards with 'on play' effects do not have a flame icon.

Skull Icon
A card with this symbol has an ability that triggers upon the card's removal from the hand/battlefield to the graveyard/hand, as specified in the cards description. Which can be "when destroyed", "when removed from the battlefield", or "when moved to the graveyard". Each one is slightly unique, and works differently.

Timer Icon
A card with this icon has an ability that will activate every set number of turns, either at the beginning on the turn, or at the end of the turn, (as specified in the cards description). That turn is based on whichever side of the battlefield the card is on.

Feel free to use this if you want :)



Id probably go for these definitions actually. I'm trying to cover all basics here.
but Im never 100% sure.

Flame Icon (Passive Ability)
A card with this Icon has an passive ability that can be activated under player or board/game state conditions.

This either means the card has a constant relevant effect, one that continuously affects the board state.

It may also mean the card has a 'player action' condition, and will activate when particular criteria is met.

Skull Icon (Deathwish Ability)
A card with this Icon has an ability that triggers upon the card's removal from the hand/battlefield to the graveyard/hand, as specified in the cards description. Which can be "when destroyed", "when removed from the battlefield", or "when moved to the graveyard". Each one is slightly unique, and works differently.

When destroyed:
This means when a card leaves the battlefield and goes to the graveyard. either by setting the strength to 0 whilst its base strength remains at 1 or higher, or by destruction effects, such as scorch, or epidemic.

When removed from the battlefield:
This means any time a card is moved from the battlefield to any other location in the game, which can mean hand, deck or graveyard. It will trigger upon destruction effects, and also when decoyed for example.

When moved to the graveyard:
This is any time a card ends up in the graveyard, regardless of how it got there, this includes discarding using last with for example, or by regular destruction effects.

Timer Icon (Timed/Delayed Ability)
A card with this Icon either has an ability that will activate after a set number of turns. Or has an ability that will repeat every set number of turns, as specified in the card's description.

The card's respective ability can activate at the beginning of the turn, or at the end, again, dependent on the card's description.

Timer priorities are based on a fixed priority table, although generally speaking the higher the initial number the lower the priority.
No Icon (Battlecry Ability)
A card with no icon has an effect that is activated upon play and is only relevant at that precise moment.
Once played it will not affect the board passively, and is simply a body with a strength value.
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Lim3zer0;n8393340 said:
You may find these images useful in your post, in order to explain ...things better.
Again, thank you, these will help enormously! (In fact, I'd been waiting on precisely those images from another source, but your offer is much more timely, and thus very welcome.)
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