Unable to see card description after summon

Unable to see card description after summon

Not the best title. Still, the point is, I and a friend had is about when you in example use rally and bring out a minion with a trigger that you need to target. I mean in the early levels and later new players don't know what each card does so I think being able to have like on the right the card that is active at the moment could be good for the future new and sometimes veteran players!

And by the way, I don't know if anyone has mentioned it before we just now realized it.
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Allow you to see cards' abilities when they're played randomly from your deck

I just played a round of Gwent in which I played Rally to bring a randomly selected card onto the battlefield from my deck, turns out this cards ability is that it can remove 3 strength from a non-gold unit on the battlefield. The thing is, I didn't know that so when I was prompted to select a card on which to use this ability, I had to guess what it was going to do which lead to me losing 3 strength from one of my units.

My suggestion is that any card that's pulled randomly from your deck should be shown, along with its ability, next to the battlefield until you actually play the card. This way you can preview what ability the card has so you can decide what to do with it.
If you don't know your own cards in deck then that's your own mistake imo. This is strategy game & if cdpr adds details & calculations for everything then it's going to ruin all fun from game. Strategy games means we have to play by making strategies which starts from building our own deck & when player makes this kinds of error that the real fun of this game imo.
anthony_y thread merged

I agree with TH3WITCH3R. It's okay to help the player with certain things (like a played card history). But basic things like this would be taking it too far.
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