Dear CDPR, please give us back the original armor textures

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Well i tried my best guys, perhaps i got carried away a bit at the end, but better that I got carried away so nobody else got carried away so have a good one, thanks to all those who stayed active in all this. My experience in these forums have not been the best, that's probably 70 percent my fault but some of us simply don't fit in a place like this. Goodbye and have a nice day
That is sad, i was expecting them to bring the old textures since i play on the xbox one, believe it or not i stopped playing the game because i was waiting for a patch , i like role-playing with those witcher gears but couldn't stand the sight of bright colors.

If they could add a mod support on consoles that would be great:cirisad:.
In my humble opinion, i think there are things more important than the new color/ textures/ models of armors (i mean, some little bugs).
In fact, i didn't even noticed it until read this post today (many months after the implementing of the mentioned features).
But, like i said first, it's just my opinon (one among many others).
Уважаемы CDProjectRED, большое спасибо за замечательные игры серии Ведьмак , низкий вам поклон от меня. Последняя игра в серии, действительно отличная, вы молодцы. За это вас и любят и уважают. Я обладатель PC, я так же заметил, что текстуры были заменены на более упрощенные в Ведьмак 3. Такую же проблему наблюдал и на PS 4 . Так же замечал артефакты на броне из Каэр Морхана в виде синего - сиреневого цвета. Я считаю что такие вещи надо исправлять. Какая проблема не была бы, но надо ее решить. И Текстуры тоже надо вернуть оригинальные,они более детализированные. Надо это решать. оригинальные текстуры, были действительно лучше. Меня так же волнует этот вопрос. Не знаю куда писать, вот и написал сюда. С уважением Кирилл
WHALTA;n8393870 said:
Уважаемы CDProjectRED, большое спасибо за замечательные игры серии Ведьмак , низкий вам поклон от меня. Последняя игра в серии, действительно отличная, вы молодцы. За это вас и любят и уважают. Я обладатель PC, я так же заметил, что текстуры были заменены на более упрощенные в Ведьмак 3. Такую же проблему наблюдал и на PS 4 . Так же замечал артефакты на броне из Каэр Морхана в виде синего - сиреневого цвета. Я считаю что такие вещи надо исправлять. Какая проблема не была бы, но надо ее решить. И Текстуры тоже надо вернуть оригинальные,они более детализированные. Надо это решать. оригинальные текстуры, были действительно лучше. Меня так же волнует этот вопрос. Не знаю куда писать, вот и написал сюда. С уважением Кирилл

I absolutely agree with you. It is shameful that CDPR allowed textures of this low quality in the game in the first place and they need to fix it! This poor implementation of a dye system should be offered as a free DLC, so that people who care about quality won't have to use those ugly textures.
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WHALTA;n8393870 said:
Уважаемы CDProjectRED, большое спасибо за замечательные игры серии Ведьмак , низкий вам поклон от меня. Последняя игра в серии, действительно отличная, вы молодцы. За это вас и любят и уважают. Я обладатель PC, я так же заметил, что текстуры были заменены на более упрощенные в Ведьмак 3. Такую же проблему наблюдал и на PS 4 . Так же замечал артефакты на броне из Каэр Морхана в виде синего - сиреневого цвета. Я считаю что такие вещи надо исправлять. Какая проблема не была бы, но надо ее решить. И Текстуры тоже надо вернуть оригинальные,они более детализированные. Надо это решать. оригинальные текстуры, были действительно лучше. Меня так же волнует этот вопрос. Не знаю куда писать, вот и написал сюда. С уважением Кирилл

For now you can use my simple "fix" for Kaer Morhen/Warriors jacket armor :D

You are right...CDPR could make alternative version for old textures as DLC just like for Triss alternative dress or Yen/Ciri.
hertores;n8395080 said:
For now you can use my simple "fix" for Kaer Morhen/Warriors jacket armor :D

You are right...CDPR could make alternative version for old textures as DLC just like for Triss alternative dress or Yen/Ciri.

Your mod fixes the bugs with the dye textures, it does not restore the original, far superior textures. This thread discussion is about CDPR's inexplicable decision to deliver textures that are to put it plainly, absolute rubbish.
So really, your mod does nothing to address the issue here.
WalteriusMaximus;n8395190 said:
Your mod fixes the bugs with the dye textures, it does not restore the original, far superior textures. This thread discussion is about CDPR's inexplicable decision to deliver textures that are to put it plainly, absolute rubbish.
So really, your mod does nothing to address the issue here.

Yes you are right...Whalta mentioned the bluish lines on the armor so I decided to link this simple mod as a "bonus" Nothing more. It's always better to use this than to have blue lines or just use mods that change new textures to old ones.
e.g. or

Personally, I dream about that old textures return to the game...
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WalteriusMaximus;n8394540 said:
I absolutely agree with you. It is shameful that CDPR allowed textures of this low quality in the game in the first place and they need to fix it! This poor implementation of a dye system should be offered as a free DLC, so that people who care about quality won't have to use those ugly textures.

Да я даже не против покраски текстур брони, хоть и не вижу в этом большого смысла. Наверняка найдутся люди которым это важно, покрасить броню в другой цвет, соглашусь, их мнение надо тоже уважать, но все таки не в угоду текстурам. Текстуры были отличные, детальные. Но ради такой возможности - испорченные текстуры - того не стоят. Надо попробывать доделать все аккуратно и реализовать оба подхода. Сейчас уже не отказаться от этих возможностей, некоторым они нравится. Но надо сделать так, что бы и другую половину людей, которые любят эту замечательную игру и уважают подход компании CDProjectRED, не расстроились. Надо реализовать обе задачи. Тем более реализовать это возможно. Очень надеюсь, что они решат эту проблему. Я рад что не один такой, кому эта ситуация не понравилась. Долго искал где написать и нашел вас. Поляки молодцы, надеюсь вы сможете это решить и мы в вас верим. С уважением Кирилл
hertores;n8395260 said:
Yes you are right...Whalta mentioned the bluish lines on the armor so I decided to link this simple mod as a "bonus" Nothing more. It's always better to use this than to have blue lines or just use mods that change new textures to old ones.
e.g. or

Personally, I dream about that old textures return to the game...

Все равно спасибо что учавствуете в решении нашей общей проблеме, спасибо вам. С уважением Кирилл
WHALTA;n8395480 said:
Все равно спасибо что учавствуете в решении нашей общей проблеме, спасибо вам. С уважением Кирилл

This is international section of the forums, so if you could please write in English. It's the appropriate language in here.

Russian forums are here:серия-ведьмак
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Ah, I didn't realize that they had changed the color on various parts of the sets. Now I know what exactly it was the sensed was off when I watched gameplay videos and played my own game. I'll definitely be downloading the Nitpicker's Patch with the old textures when I get home today.
Interestingly, CDProjectRED know that there is such a problem with the players and that it is someone who does not like it. Will they solve this problem. (Artifacts are purple and poorly designed textures.) The original textures are really better and it would be excellent if they were returned. Sincerely, Kirill
Since CDPR have already introduced a dye system, there is no chance to change new textures to old textures other than as DLC option.

I think that CDPR could make the last patch (e.g. 1.32) correcting a few bugs by previous patches additionally introducing textures look to old as DLC :p
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hertores;n8397050 said:
Since CDPR have already introduced a dye system, there is no chance to change new textures to old textures other than as DLC option.

Let's hope that they'll think up something and do something about it. And then when creating the DLC "Blood and Wine" they somehow did not warn that there would be such a trick with textures. It's kind of offensive. will hope... Can, listen to us and return the original textures. :scaredpeasant: Sincerely, Kirill
Dear CDPR,

Please Please Please..

give us an option like Yennefer, Triss and Ciri alternative looks options, so we can get the armors ( witcher gears) back the way it was before..
I am a PS4 ( console) owner so I can't use any mods to get my armors textures and colors back and therfore get rid of the bule line that is in most witcher armors ( wolven, kear morhen, viper, bear.. etc..

we all appreciate the masterpiece you created and as for me.. I have the game pre-ordered 2 years ago and to this day I love the game and it's the best game I ever played and my favorite all time, it breaks my heart to see the ones ( best looking and design armors ever in gaming history) end up like this, I respect your dye mechanic and I know some gamers like the new look and texture of the witcher gears, but there is also us, the gamers who wants the armors from before to be back.. so..
to make each side happy, to make us all happy..
I beg you.. to release a patch/dlc to give us the option to choose between the new armors and its dye mechanic and the default old armors, both in terms of colors and textures.. ( keeping in mind a fix for the blue lines in witcher gears)

so please do us this act of mercy and be kind to give us one last patch to solve this, this issue keeping me away from the game because it pains and hurt me to see it like this..

we hope you will consider this and give us this thing that will make us all happy, both ( the ones who want the old armors and the ones who like the new armors)

thank you and bless you..
hertores;n8400230 said:
I wonder if CDPR still reads threads from Witcher 3 :p Maybe they'll do the last favor for the fans xD

If we often discuss this topic, we will probably do it. It would be right to listen to the fans. A topic for us all is important, and not just for us. Original textures, just better and make the game more detailed and beautiful. And the main thing is a lot of respect from the fans, it will become even higher. Waiting for their reaction ... I would like to believe that it will be positive for us. sorry for my english. I use google translator. My knowledge is not enough. Sincerely, Kirill
I hope they will see this and make actions..
this is my first Witcher game and the first product I purchased from CDPR, I heard they treated their fans with passion and respect, I think this is the time to see if this is true.

maybe if we move this thread from suggestions they will see it and noticed it, or how can we reach the CEO of CDPR and try to talk to him, if alot of people asking about this they may make a move and grant us the armors that we fall in love with in thr first place..

Please CDPR, do this for your fans..
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