E3 Discussion Thread

W2 alchemy was a grinding nightmare.
Well I entirely disagree, I just casually picked herbs as I went about my merry business and found I naturally had enough potions. I didn't hoard or anything either and the times when I got stuck in a section of the game where I had no potions and there was no herbs around I recognized that as my own fault and lack of being properly prepared, which again adds flavour to the feeling of being a Witcher.

As I said before, it's about options, not about removing a system entirely. Go do something else in the game you enjoy, collect money through various means (Even just doing main & side quests in TW2 gave you enough money to buy all the herbs you wanted) and then use that money to buy herbs if constantly picking herbs "feels like a grind". Or CDPR should implement a system (Someone said it earlier in the thread) where a potion has multiple uses (3 Swigs or something) which would then cut down the time you spend gathering (And you could still have the option to buy if you wanted), but you are still collecting and re-brewing which keeps the system in-tact and that immersion factor from the previous games.

That's what makes Gamespot a 100 times better and trustworthy than IGN at the moment. Gamespot is dedicated to all platforms and types of games with a diversified number of editors who play on all kinds of platforms games, PC and indies included (-> Witcher 3 got some fair coverage and best of show award) while IGN is pure console and Sony oriented and mostly very biased towards AAA stuff from big publishers ( -> Witcher 3 isn't even nominated for best of show award). And although Witcher 3 won their people's choice award they even try to hide the video from the public. At least it's not on IGN's frontpage which is pretty sad and ridiculous....
Nice find man watching the video now. It seems some gameing sites don't even acknowledge PC gaming. And that pisses me off.
On IGN, their page does say that the list may change. I really hope it does. Missing it out from the nominations, after it won the People's Choice, is so ridiculous that it devalues any award given.

On the demo, I don't expect the full 45 minutes to be released, but I do hope for more snippets, and for full HD versions of those already given.
A lot of information, compared to the previous situation, has been coming out recently. Some of it good, some of it... not so good.

Might not be strictly on the topic of the thread, but really? A slightly modified estus system from Dark souls? Instead of upgrading potions with a fire keeper soul and such we do it now with herbs? Sheesh. The unlimited (limited) potions from that game worked because there was a very heavy penalty in refilling them at a bonfire (meditation), as it would basically reset your progress. If you couldn't achieve your goals with the limited amount of "charges" you got you had to kill the same enemies all over again just to get to the same position that you previously achieved. Can't see that happening in Witcher. I don't know much about the planned system for potions beyond the few snippets of information that inspired this reaction, I have yet to see any of it in action, but I'm afraid that they'll implement it with virtually no negative aspects to it and then TRY to fix / nerf alchemy in a later patch after the heavy backlash it no doubt produces. Just try to imagine playing Dark Souls with truly infinite healing potions.

Witcher sense. Yeah. How about that. It's a good thing they said that they will not dumb the game down ( if I recall correctly ), otherwise I might've thought that they are planning to do just that. Subtle hints I do not mind, but telling me where to climb and such? What's next, the devs coming to my house while I play and telling me what to do next in the game? Maybe it's just me or the fact that I'm already 34 years old, but I don't really appreciate it when game treats me like I'm an idiot. Well, I might be. But still.

I do understand that the game and the developers need / want to attract a wider audience, and I support that. But it shouldn't be done at the expense of the game itself. I enjoy Bethesda games ( Tes & Fallout ) and they are among my favorite games ever, but because of the wider "accessibility" that they strove for I need a crapton of mods for each of them just to make them playable or, god forbid, challenging.

Regarding the whole affair these are still minor concerns and depending on their implementation they might even turn out alright. I do have faith in the game and the devs. It's just that small streams tend to team up and form large rivers.
No I mean the complete demo they showed behind closed doors, maybe they'll release it a while later or maybe a part of it.

I really hope so. I really , REALLY want to see Ciri's full face ;_;

and there is no reason to hide it from public since they already showed a good portion of it..
I don't think they showed Ciri in the Demo. I remember Journalists saying the quest-line was you getting information about her whereabouts but none of them actually said you see her or did I miss some info?
Witcher sense. Yeah. How about that. It's a good thing they said that they will not dumb the game down ( if I recall correctly ), otherwise I might've thought that they are planning to do just that. Subtle hints I do not mind, but telling me where to climb and such? What's next, the devs coming to my house while I play and telling me what to do next in the game? Maybe it's just me or the fact that I'm already 34 years old, but I don't really appreciate it when game treats me like I'm an idiot. Well, I might be. But still.
I totally agree with everything you said except the Witcher sense. I think it's a cool feature and makes sense the Wither is so smart and versatile in combat and his sease are higher than normal humans because of what he passed through to become a Witcher i think it makes seance to highlight blood trails smell and stuff like that. But i hate that the sense makes you see where you can climb that makes no seance what so ever. It's the oldest casual rule in the book and when i saw it i cringed.

About the demo, what i actually want to see is how the game really looks in HD. I don't really care about the demo itself because i don't want to get spoiled. Gameplay i've seen as well.
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No you didn't miss a thing..
Well except for a very interesting post by arkblazer some 40 pages back or more I can't really tell. Do not read it, major spoilers. You've been warned :p
@ ChisStayler

Yeah, that climbing part was what got to me as well. I don't mind the rest so much provided that they tone it down a bit and make it more subtle. Instead of that "in your face" effect they showed in the demo with the red blobs and such.
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There are actually quite a few journalist that have said that they show her face. it's not only the one that i translated... For example: in one of the articles they say...


At the end of the quest line of the witches they show you a flashback of when she appeared.
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