Do people like the rotating mini-map?

I don't like it either. I dislike it enough that I only use my GPS in real life in the mapping mode. I use map reconnaissance instead of following a loaded track/route because in routeing mode it only offers "track up" mode.

I prefer the stability of the mapping presentation, and a direction indicator, rather than stabilising the pointer and rotating the map (which degrades image quality and complicates comprehension of distance/bearing beyond the immediate leg)
I'm satisfied as long as I can turn off the minimap.

I feel it only distracts me from doing what I want -
which is to explore and find things on my own without the help of the minimap.

Checking the large map feels more natural and good for me.

Im going to begin playing without a minimap. Sounds more immersive and I will probably get more hours out of the game. make my brain work a bit too
I prefer the rotating map =/

Then again, I also like CA (off-topic)

I never really used the minimap to be honest, always preferred the big map so it won't be bothering me I guess, especially if it can be turned off.
I'm probably just going to turn the mini map off once I start playing. For comparison's sake, Skyrim didn't have a mini-map, but a compass at the top of the screen. I felt that this was one of the better design choices from an exploration standpoint. Not being able to constantly look at a map while moving around forced you to memorize or familiarize yourself with the environment and its landmarks.

Compare that to a game like Assassin's Creed II where the mini-map is omnipresent, you just don't have to pay as much attention to where you are or where you're going.

I never felt lost while playing Skyrim, even without the compass, but turn off the mini-map in ACII? I have no idea where I'm going.
I think the more important information you need is directions to points of interests and goals in relation to where you are facing. (which is more convenient if it rotates.) I don't think the minimap being a map helps too much - it only shows your immediate surroundings, which you can already see most of the times. if I need to plan a route I'm gonna open the big map anyways.
that being said, I don't really care either way. also, people have been suggesting options for everything - this actually seems like something that would be very easy to implement an option for.
I hate rotating mini-maps.. it's just confusing.. no wonder there was a mod for this in W2 - and thank god for that :)
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@Exentryk I don't really focus on the rotation of the map, truth be told. So interestingly enough I can't remember if a certain game has a rotating or static minimap :) Like I said, I always focus on the North indicator. I think stuff like "Okay, after this signpost I need to go East with around 20 degrees leaning to North, and then I should turn completely North after this forest", and so on. I usually just use the minimap for directions; because let's be honest, the things in the minimap would be so close that you won't need the map itself to see those things. So actually I'd be okay just with a big map and a compass :)
I really hope they give us an option to turn the rotation off..I never liked rotating confuses the hell out of me. So static all the way.
@Exentryk I don't really focus on the rotation of the map, truth be told. So interestingly enough I can't remember if a certain game has a rotating or static minimap :) Like I said, I always focus on the North indicator. I think stuff like "Okay, after this signpost I need to go East with around 20 degrees leaning to North, and then I should turn completely North after this forest", and so on. I usually just use the minimap for directions; because let's be honest, the things in the minimap would be so close that you won't need the map itself to see those things. So actually I'd be okay just with a big map and a compass :)

Have you played Witcher 2?
Of course I have. But like I said, never focus on the "rotation ability" of the map.

Also, I kinda memorized Witcher 2's maps, so I actually never looked at the minimap in the last 3-4 playthroughs. So it's a bad example for me :D
Of course I have. But like I said, never focus on the "rotation ability" of the map.

Also, I kinda memorized Witcher 2's maps, so I actually never looked at the minimap in the last 3-4 playthroughs. So it's a bad example for me :D

I am having a lot of trouble with the Witcher 2 minimap. There isn't even a N icon. I've played quite a lot of JRPGs and all of them have had a static mini map. I am kind of surprised that Witcher games have it rotating. It just adds an extra step of mental calculation for no reason.

Basically, I open the large map which is locked to North and static, and work out where I have to go. Say I have to go SW. That means I have to down and left.
Now, with a static mini map, I just make sure I'm heading down and left and I'll eventually get where I want to go. But if the minimap rotates, I have to first check where the N direction is, then work out the opposite of it, which is S, and then left of that. All of this while the mini map keeps rotating, so I can't just keep going in a single defined 'down and left' direction. I have to constantly re-calculate which way I am going.

P.S. - Is there a quick way to open the large map in Witcher 2? Having to pause, then click on map is tedious. Most RPGs I've played have a single button press to open the large map.
Just loaded up a save to see it again (forgot how it all worked :) ). I can open the map with hotkey M. Also there is a white arrow on the minimap that shows the North direction.

Does it really take that much mental work? Huh... I never really had any problem with that kinda stuff honestly. Because like I said, I never think like "left" and "down". I think like "West" and "South". So even if the map rotates, I know what direction is strictly in front of me.

Edit: Well yeah, if this brings so much trouble to people, then it would be good to have the option to stop the rotation I'd say.
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Just loaded up a save to see it again (forgot how it all worked :) ). I can open the map with hotkey M. Also there is a white arrow on the minimap that shows the North direction.

Does it really take that much mental work? Huh... I never really had any problem with that kinda stuff honestly. Because like I said, I never think like "left" and "down". I think like "West" and "South". So even if the map rotates, I know what direction is strictly in front of me.

Edit: Well yeah, if this brings so much trouble to people, then it would be good to have the option to stop the rotation I'd say.

I am playing with a controller, and don't think there is a button for the full map =/

Also, I don't see any white lines for North. Looked up a quick youtube gameplay video and captured this screenshot. Are you using mods?

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