Upsetting guards

Upsetting guards

Sooo . . . Anyone else think that the penalty for losing a fight with the guards is too steep?

CDPR have clearly gone to great lengths to stay faithful to the books. One example of this is that Geralt is a pretty unpopular fellow, verbally abused left, right and centre by all and sundry. Furthermore you are unable to give peasants or townsfolk a smack for disrespecting you and guards are always several levels higher than you (makes you think twice before attacking an npc 10 levels stronger). This is great and it makes sense. After all, Geralt (while not really a good guy) can't be marauding through the countryside massacring scores of innocents in a one man killing spree.

However, every now and then, you can't let it lie. So the first time I tried fighting the guards, I wasn't expecting to win I was just testing the waters. Foolishly though I didn't save beforehand DON'T MAKE THIS MISTAKE PEOPLE. My second mistake was to pick a fight with three guards and then afford them entirely too much respect instead of just piling in like I would usually do. True to expectations I died and prepared to have to go back to the most resent checkpoint or autosave.

Only guards don't kill you. They merely beat you to within an inch of your life (leaving you with no energy) and send you stumbling on your way. I was not expecting this. What I was expecting was that they would add insult to injury by fining me for the privilege of having my arse kicked (I can't remember exactly when or how, but the games does inform you that there is a financial penalty for falling foul of the guards). I thought that it would be a couple of hundred crowns, surely no more than 500. Smarts a little but not the end of the world. Well they didn't take a couple of hundred did they? Not even 500 was sufficient, ohhh no!


Considering how devilishly difficult it is to accrue decent amounts of coin, I was not happy.

Well I've now decided that any and all guards are fair game. I've taken a great deal of perverse pleasure ensuring soldiers and guards of all factions aren't given the opportunity to rue the day they cross Bloodbarf_71 of Rivia.

Sorry CDPR, sorry Andrzej Sapkowski, I guess this Geralt is just the marauding type.
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The guards seem a little over-sensitive; I managed to get into a fight with some for the terrible crime of accidentally punching the air 10 feet in front of them when my thumb slipped off the sprint button on my controller. :)
I stole and got beat down once. I chose to re load the game, I would suggest you do the same.. A lot easier than loosing 1/2 your coin.
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