[Act V] Can't complete refugee quest...

[Act V] Can't complete refugee quest...

When doing Hope Burns Bright quest, everytime I break through to the swamp it tells me that the quest is failed because all the refugees are dead. I have checked that the refugees are alive in the hospital before breaking through the barricades. I am now on my fourth time running through this and still no luck. Any ideas, or am I missing something stupid?
Picked up both groups and delivered successfully to hospital...then move on to next stage which is Storming the Barricades.
I can't tell...I pick up two groups with young dwarves, elves and one old dwarf, fight my way to the hospital and go inside. Not sure whether I should be waiting for them to go inside, no matter how long I fight outside the group does not move and soldiers keep coming...If I go inside then there a couple of young elves, dwarves on the inside but don't know whether this is the same group (would be a lot easier if they were called refugees!) I think the problem may actually be when the Order storms the hospital that they kill all the refugees before I can kill the knights, but I am killing all the knights in about a minute so don't see how to avoid this...?
Not sure about it but I seems to remember that if you pick your way carefully you don't have to do that much fighting. I also think that you shouldn't enter the hospital until you get update that refugees are safe. Will check it out and get back to you on that...
I am having this problem too. There are no refugees in the refugees' cave. When I get to the swamp, Zoltan thanks me in dialogue for saving the refugees, but the quests in the journal is updated with the words "The Refugees Lost: All the refugees are dead. Zoltan will blame me for the rest of his days." and strangely marked completed.
Problem solved after several attempts! :D The trick is to escort the refugees (Young elves and old dwarves, I think), to the hospital door and make sure that at least some of them are in close vicinity of the door when you enter. Avoid fighting if you can, as there is no way to win. On the other hand, you can't enter the hospital if there is an enemy close. Also, the refugees hesitate about following you if there are enemies close.When you have entered the hospital, you can tell you have succeeded if there are a number of young elves and old dwarves standing about. If there are none, you have failed.The game provides very poor feedback though - it doesn't tell you until you reach the swamp. I think I wasted at least ten hours total figuring out what "I" did wrong.
Avoid fighting if you can, as there is no way to win.
Is it even possible to avoid fighting with the Order? As soon as I had collected the first group of refugees, the Order groups seemed to be everywhere, and attacked on sight. If I killed off one group, another would show up very soon, sometimes immediately. No matter how many I bumped off, there were always more. At times, Vitality got so low I would have to run away and find a safe spot to re-build it. Seems like that leaves the refugees to fend for themselves. THEN I ran into three high level Undead types, fought until almost dead, ran away - smackie-dab into yet another group of Order fighters. They finally took me out, and that's when I knocked off for the night (around 3:00 AM).

A different point I'd like to make at this time is that I've tried very hard to remain 'Neutral' throughout the game, But . . . I've also found it almost impossible. Early on, it wasn't that difficult, but became harder and harder as the game progressed. During The Bank Heist, it became quite obvious to me what the Order had in mind as an agenda - Genocide! I don't mean that I agree with the squirrels methodology, but I can understand that the Order isn't giving them much of a choice either. Usually, when given the choice of completely supporting one side or the other, I'll simply say, "well, I'll have to think about that for awhile before I decide." That has usually worked, but I'm not getting that choice anymore.

Has anyone out there that really stayed totally neutral? Has anyone sided completely with the Order?

Curious minds want to know.

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