Anyone thought the bow or crossbow would still be in viable in 2077?

I was wondering if anyone thinking of making a bow or crossbow custom mod for the game. In 2077 or any age either, the bow or crossbow as a silent weapon will never be obselete for a stealth gameplay. I wonder why the bow or crossbow were not coded in.


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I think that some kind of "cyber bow" would've been a really cool weapon to have. Especially if it had similar functions like in Far Cry where you can have different types of specialty arrows using your own grenades to craft them.

I have seen arguments against the bow like "why would you put a bow in a futuristic game with smart weapons" but there's also swords so... :D
Like DCs Green Arrow? I would like to use different arrows like in Horizon hmm…
Could be sell by the Badlands vendors or an iconic one for the Nomade lifepath… why not?
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Yea both could work. I was thinking the bow being presented as a high tech compound bow that had bells and whistles to make it as deadly as a gun but silent for would-be assassins. I don't see why it would'nt work.
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