F*ck the modern world!

so everybody who says they're like Johnny, you'd nuke a city and kill countless innocents just because some corpo pissed you off?
so everybody who says they're like Johnny, you'd nuke a city and kill countless innocents just because some corpo pissed you off?
No afcourse not, if you share the same personality or traits with someone, it doesn't mean that YOU are exactly the same person.

You make absolutely no sense. If you share the same opinion as Johnny and even share the same personality and traits, it doesn't mean that you want to blow up a city full with people? That is and was his choice, nobody else.

So, for you everyone who share the same personality and traits are exactly a copy of eachother and also do exactly the same?
It's not a single corpo that pissed off one person. It was his sudden understanding that this was a world-wide system, woven into the lives of every human being on Earth. It controlled their births, their lives, and their deaths. It decided how many would live if the obscene wealth of the social elite, and how many would wallow in misery with no hope of ever improving their lives. It was recognizing the hegemony that was grinding the what remained of humanity under their boot to fulfill the world vision of a lunatic that had lost their humanity a long, long time ago.

And worst of all, it was invisible. People either couldn't see it, they felt they were powerless to combat it, or they actively supported it, crushing others' lives while chasing the illusion of an opportunity -- one that did not and would never exist. So, the choice was either to either play along, throwing pebbles at the wall by writing rock songs and making a speech now and then...or lay waste to the entire system, which would result in chaos across the world, but would level the plaything field and remove Arasaka from the game. Everyone would be an animal fighting over the scraps at that point, but it would be equal. It would be worse, but it would provide a chance of getting better eventually.

(But no. I would have chosen to keep fighting the smaller fight. Can't save everyone, but I don't believe in one person making that sort of decision for everyone else. Besides, it's amazing what patience can accomplish.)
I'm taking it all a little easier.
1. There is a person, an individual and a set of other people.
2. There is the physical world, objective reality, where E=mc2, where there is consumption of hydrocarbon compounds by living organisms, where there is solar radiation to the surface of the planet, etc. - with its own generally objective laws.
3. And there is also a system of symbols and interpretations, a system of instructions and narratives about how exactly one should look at oneself, and how exactly one should perceive oneself and the society one is forced to be in - mostly specifically desinforming. It's not really a system at all, it's a toxic chaotic cesspit whose parts mostly contradict each other, but conventionally it's all considered a "system".
The list of sources of the origin of this "system" of meanings is too long to cite here, suffice it to say that its components are religion, ideology, pedagogy, and of course the mass media and some more stuff.

When you say "F.ck the modern world," what exactly do you mean:
1. F.cking other people. Understandable, natural, but boring. Mankind has been doing the same thing for about the last 5000 years at least, for various reasons.
2. F.cking with objective reality. Interesting, but problematic. Questions arise: are you tired of the sun or the moon? Are you sick of breathing O2? Don't want to live in constant gravity? Do you hate Ohm's law?
3. it would be most logical to assume that you want to f.ck this system of meanings, some separate mechanisms of which have already entered so deeply into your consciousness that you have lost the memory of the entry point and consider them a part of your personality. So I have to tell you that you ought to do it almost 24/7 and maturity, independence of personality, freedom, and mental security in general depends on how successfully you cope with this task. And that's what any more or less grown-up decent person should be doing, to be honest.

I almost forgot! We are on a video game forum. Where do you think video games belong in this classification? )
I did mean the emphasis on 'modern'. But yes, point 1 is good, people tend to be manipulative, myself included, conscious of it or not, people calculate with their minds sometimes ignoring the heart or the spirit of things. Modern inventions seem to me to make people copycats or more mechanical and less creative but the calculating part of me likes these things, but then investing more time in this newer digital world with new opportunities and fast gratification seems addictive for our system.

Point 2, well i consider this a prison like world or maybe a school of some sort? Maybe it is no place for metaphysics here. Or maybe you are like Gaff:

Possibly all theories can be proven and dis proven here, i guess. As a human being i perceive this objective world through my senses which could be seen as subjective. The eyes of a snake can see things human eyes cannot, my cat hears sounds i cannot. Sure 1+1=2 but then someone yells synergy and says 1 musician is a solo artist and 1+1 musician is a band. But yes, without sun, moon, oxygen and the lot the organic life is impossible, so those laws are objective for us, maybe gives it a 'prison'-like feel to it.

Yes, point 3, it is a beast of a system. Don Quixoting against it seems futile, honestly i add to it myself. Ignoring the modernity is not being a good merchant. The dogs bark, but the caravan goes on.

Video games in general are like digital drugs.
Things are worse than we're allowed to discuss on this forum.

But for a brief overview: look at breeding patterns in the developed world; what classes of people are having kids, and what classes are not?

Secondly, look at what happened in the collapse of other civilizations- what were people noticing? What was warned against?

Third, remember maintenance, and how reliant we are on things that require maintenance. Now consider what happens when said maintenance can not be done by the then-living people.

Ignoring all politics, ignoring all conspiracies, ignoring all technology- the repeated pattern of collapse is here once again. But this time we've reached such monstrous heights, the fall is likely to be harder.

Of course, in every other civilizational collapse, nobody had WMDs.

-Addendum: If you want to discuss technology, you can look at medicine. I'll not go into detail, but look up the term "genetic load", and compare and contrast our system vs. mother nature's. Now there's a fun topic to discuss, miserable as it is if you have anything resembling modern western sensibilities.
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a thought crossed my mind - technologies change, but people stay the same (in a positive way).

Meaning that living in society may feel claustrophobic, empty, and without self-realization, but individuals can still achieve happiness.
And happiness of an individual doesn't have to be based on values of society.

I think that in general, if something happens, a counter-action has to happen to balance it - and that may go for physics as well as for the human psyche.

So, if one feels lost in the current society, I think that (s)he simply needs to do something that compensates for that - like relaxing in nature, talking with someone, taking a lazy day off, doing hobbies in spare time,...
a thought crossed my mind - technologies change, but people stay the same (in a positive way).

Meaning that living in society may feel claustrophobic, empty, and without self-realization, but individuals can still achieve happiness.
And happiness of an individual doesn't have to be based on values of society.

I think that in general, if something happens, a counter-action has to happen to balance it - and that may go for physics as well as for the human psyche.

So, if one feels lost in the current society, I think that (s)he simply needs to do something that compensates for that - like relaxing in nature, talking with someone, taking a lazy day off, doing hobbies in spare time,...

I mean, what you are saying is life is 5% what happens to you and 95% how you react to it...
I mean, what you are saying is life is 5% what happens to you and 95% how you react to it...
I guess you are right.

Even simple dilemmas like putting a phone away (or not) may originate from things like social background, opportunities and lifestyle options society gives and takes, etc...
And everybody is different and can adapt to these conditions differently.

So, capitalistic consumer society in combination with living in grey, crowded, rushing, never-sleeping cities may drain individuals completely, and that's not something they may be able to deal with alone...
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Humanity is putting all of its points into inventory space and using abilities as dump stats. (It's also ensuring its bonus rolls are multiples of one to "streamline gameplay".)
Humanity is putting all its points in intelligence and it's using wisdom as a dump stat.
"Intelligence" is an empty concept spawned by Western civilization, which likes to play with relative values without even thinking about full knowledge, unlike the civilizations of the East - China, India, Iran.
"Intelligence" clearly falls under point 3 in my classification, this concept is externally imposed, incomplete, inaccurate and therefore brings suffering. :p
Point 2, well i consider this a prison like world or maybe a school of some sort? Maybe it is no place for metaphysics here. Or maybe you are like Gaff:
No, i don't like this guy ) "Pondering detective" - my goodness! I'd rather stay Solomon Reed :)
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