Modded Upgrade Items Disappear

can someone explain to me why mod added items disappear after a reload/fast travel... they are listed in game, they have their name correctly localized and all... you can attach them on the weapons/armors... but as soon you leave the area with a loading screen all these items disappear from inventory (even if already attached).

Note, this ONLY happens with items from what i've noticed, mod added weapons/armor stays in game normally, even at new game+.
The items can also be bought from merchants, looted from monsters and so on... but again, after a loading screen they VANISH.

#1 Item added (no errors, it's also localized via w3strings tool)

#2 Item is in fact added, in game menu reports normally.

#3 Item is in menu and can be attached to armor/weapon normally and it will stay and function fine until you get a loading screen or if you're loading a game save...

So, it's probably a script that's is removing the items, anyone know which script it is? why this only happens the upgrade items? thanks in advance if someone actually can help me on this.
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