What themes do you want future Cyberpunk game(s) to focus on?

So, I was just wondering what things people would like to take a heavier focus in CP titles. Given that 2077 gave us a little dive in to various things, I'm curious as to what people want to explore more.

Themes that come to my mind include:

  • Corporations. Their inner workings, the heirarchy, their goals. Along with various aspects like corporate espionage, sabotage, the murking of "Loose ends", power struggles within a corporation etc.

  • Gangs. The way each individual gang behaves, recruits and acts. Their motivations and the means they use to attain their goals. Gang warfare, how they deal with the police and corporations on their turf.

  • Sex. The world of Joytoys, Dolls, BD's. Along with sexploitation, human trafficking, pimps and the Mox.

  • Mercs and Fixers. The growth of a merc's reputation, the establishing of fixers, meeting other mercs in the game (Maybe even having multiple mercs get sent to the same gig and there being races to finish the contract first... Or fights between the mercs), merc rivalries, fixer rivalries etc.

  • Social classes. Diving deeper into the slums of the downtrodden and exploited (Potential for "Junkyard Cyberware" made from scraps and junk) how they exist and how they get used by corpos as lab rats/cheap labor. As well as a look into the upper echelon where everyone is careful about their appearance and everyone has cyberware that looks up all info about people they meet and various lie detector mods to get the upper hand in any conversation.

  • Experimental Tech. Things like the Relic, secret weapons (Like new tanks, mechs like Royce and various Cyberpsychos use), new cyberware, new hacks etc.

  • Politics. Governments vs Corporations. Shadow organizations, sleeper agents, terrorism, wars, etc.
Should really focus on the current game before moving on, a lot of things still need tweaking for this game, it’s slowly getting to the amazing game it should be just needs to focus on the bugs, driving and driving interface, combat flow and hud and ui customisation
Should really focus on the current game before moving on, a lot of things still need tweaking for this game, it’s slowly getting to the amazing game it should be just needs to focus on the bugs, driving and driving interface, combat flow and hud and ui customisation
Sure... But I'm no developer.

So I'm wanting a discussion about future titles. Since this one is winding down and will mostly be getting bug fixes as it has received all the major content it is going to get.

I'm curious as to what aspects of the lore and world people are most interested in as opposed to what bugs need to be fixed and what large scale overhauls people wish to be added (Of which there are other threads dedicated to that)
Should really focus on the current game before moving on, a lot of things still need tweaking for this game, it’s slowly getting to the amazing game it should be just needs to focus on the bugs, driving and driving interface, combat flow and hud and ui customisation

From a development standpoint, This is not a very viable thing for them to do, IF this was a games as a service type thing they could support it forever, but as a single player story with a definite end point, and the ONLY expansion being released now, from a pure business standpoint it makes sense to move on to the next project. Having said that, I do hope that even though there will not be any new content updates, that we get a few more patches to clean up the rough edges, fix the big issues that are lingering and really put nice cap on the game. I wouldn't mind a nice little surprise in there too even small stuff like a few little secrets to find, or a few pieces of Gear/weapons...

Now back to the OP:

BDs, definitely would like them to be more involved, even have some more that can be watched just because, We got the Lizzy Wizzy one in PL, so a few more fun little time killers Like mainstream BDs, would be fun.... think the TV shows in GTA 5, or the movie they put into "High On Life"..... It would be cool to have some darker stuff too, or more Adult, depending on your interests, having a bit more Varity with the Investigation mechanic would also be cool. To make the world feel a bit more "Real" but honestly this is kind of low on my list. A focus on the "Sex" or "Sexploitation" of the world would also be cool, it would add to the world building and the overall feel of NC, and I'm certainly not opposed to it, But definitely not a primary focus of the main story.... but just as an idea, maybe something like a set of side missions inspired by "Strange Days" you know like tracking a serial killer using his BDs could be cool. Just definitely as side content not a main focus. Especially if we're playing a "Merc For Hire" again it just feels like our focus would/should be other places.

Corps, more interactions, definitely, either working with or against, there is so much Lore with the Corps that we get in this world, but other than a few missions, we never really get deep into it. Having a corpo ally or making them an enemy would be nice and would really add to the RP part of the game. The Lore is all there, there is A LOT to find read watch etc... It's just for most of it we are on the outside looking in, so seeing more of the inside of that world would be cool. Arasaka is set up as a main antagonist, but we spend most of the game not really interacting with them, Except for like 3 key missions, Gigs/Side Jobs/Hustles have Arasaka agents/soldiers there, but they feel like generic enemy NPCs for the most part.

Gangs, are pretty cool the way they are, maybe a system of gang specific reputation/Relationship would be cool, sort of make them more fleshed out "Factions".... but if we're going to play as an independent Merc again, I'm not sure how deep that system would need to be. Maybe something as simple as Hostile/Neutral/friendly, but you never really "Join" any of them. Again there is plenty of lore to be found in gigs side jobs and NCPD hustles, lots of shards with background and world building, but as the player we're mostly just like, Ok did a job for the Valentinos and now we got paid to do a job against them... and it seems to just kind of be neutral. Although they did add the Gang Revenge system in 2.1 I just haven't played, waiting for some of the newer major bugs to get fixed before finishing my current run.

Everything else felt pretty fleshed out, I wouldn't mind More info or interactions with Fixers. but I sort of like them having a bit of mystery, some of them are an open book, others, are well-guarded, makes them feel like real people, and keeps things professional. Politics, ehh.... PL was cool with the spy/political thriller, stuff, but I'm not sure I want a huge focus on that. Tech is interesting, because in the Lore and Books there is a ton of cool stuff we haven't seen yet so expanding on that, and maybe creating something wild would be very welcome, we saw some NPCs that are super chromed out, but very few full borgs, it would be cool if they expanded on that, or maybe not even borgs, but super rare cyberware that is only available after a big challenge, or major story point, like the Relic, but with more practicality for the player not just story. I could say more about getting deeper into cyberpsychosis here, but this response is getting a bit long winded, so I'll end with saying I'd like to see that explored much more deeply as well in the sequels and leave it at that lol.
I'm curious as to what people want to explore more.
I would be less interested by "mercs and fixers", something we already got in CP77, but as long as it's new and a good story, I'm fine.
So I think it doesn't matter... It's not like if the "Cyberpunk world/lore" lacks interesting and new things to explore :)
I would be less interested by "mercs and fixers", something we already got in CP77 (...) It's not like if the "Cyberpunk world/lore" lacks interesting and new things to explore :)
usually i hate this core-element blabla... but this time... arent mercs & fixer a core element of CP?... i assume they will be part of the next title in one way or another...
usually i hate this core-element blabla... but this time... arent mercs & fixer a core element of CP?... i assume they will be part of the next title in one way or another...
Yes, but unlike The Witcher (a witcher game in which you don't play a witcher would be quite strange^^), in CP I think it wouldn't be weird to play "someone else" than a merc.
I wouldn't mind if you still play a merc in the next game, but I would prefer playing "someone else" to be able to explore other things. I don't know, it' just an example but like a "Reed-like" sleeping agent doing missions for a "foreign entity", like infiltrating gangs, NCPD, corporations to get tech, infos, sabotaging, killing/neutralizing witnesses...
Something different than what we have in CP2077.
Corporate authoritarianism, kleptocracy, political polarization, manipulation through technology, danger of centralization, kakistocracy, rise of inequality, transhumanism, privacy issue's, technology addiction, environmental issues and losing humanity to technology.

And afcourse Sex, drugs and rock & roll.
Yes, but unlike The Witcher (a witcher game in which you don't play a witcher would be quite strange^^), in CP I think it wouldn't be weird to play "someone else" than a merc.
I wouldn't mind if you still play a merc in the next game, but I would prefer playing "someone else" to be able to explore other things. I don't know, it' just an example but like a "Reed-like" sleeping agent doing missions for a "foreign entity", like infiltrating gangs, NCPD, corporations to get tech, infos, sabotaging, killing/neutralizing witnesses...
Something different than what we have in CP2077.
hmm well oppertunities yeah... but its like starwars for me personally: i like playing jedis not so much headhunter f.e. : / but yeah gotcha much air to breath in lore perspective - true ^^
arent mercs & fixer a core element of CP?
Sort of.

They're a core element in the sense that Mercs and Fixers tackle a lot of problems people have. At least, in Night City (We don't know about elsewhere other than maybe Atlanta but apparently it's not so lucrative for V so maybe it's not as big a deal?).

But this system existing doesn't mean it necessarily needs to take front and centre in the game. For example, a Nomad character could acknowledge mercs and fixers without needing to focus on them (Since Nomads function outside of that system for the most part, V and Panam being the exception)

It's not like all CP games need to be from the point of view of a Merc or something.

There's plenty of ways to engage in the world without being one. Such as being a Corpo Agent, Secret Service Agent, Detective, Nomad, Gangbanger, Undercover Cop etc. All could allow some level of freedom to putz around the world doing random jobs similar to 2077's gameplay, without necessarily being tied to the Merc + Fixer system.
im really curious since they (cdpr) already admited that they want lifepaths matter more in the sequel than they do in CP77 - so there might be another varity from the get go which could end in taking whole different perspectives on player choice from the start. - let's see what they gonna come up with in... some... years :p
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