Why no tournament decklists on official site?

It is rather odd that I usually have to head elsewhere to find a Google Drive link or something else that has the deck lists for a tournament sponsored by CDPR. For example, the qualifiers start today (March 28) and while the official Masters site duly notes this here, one must download the ruleset to find the link to the brackets on the Challonge web site, and yet nowhere to be found in either place is where the decklists will ultimately be posted. I usually have to login to a streamer's Twitch site where the mod will link up the Google Drive site that has them all. Yes, I realize this is a first world problem and they're not THAT hard to find, but my point is that CDPR should try to provide as many links as possible to garner enthusiasm for the game and make it easier for folks to find these things.

That said, let the qualifiers begin and good luck to all the participants!

[EDIT: thanks to the mod for moving to the right subforum. Sorry about that!]
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I don't want to be a jerk a start a new topic on this, but again....there no decks on the official decks site for the Gwent Open #1. Instead they are posted on.....wait for it.....a series of tweets from the Gwent Masters account. I realize none of the decks are tremendous surprises at this point, and obviously it is not all that difficult to create them on one's own, but still.....these are bad optics, CDPR!

You guys are all obviously under tremendous pressure, and running that tournament completely online could not have been easy for any of you. (Well done, by the way, despite the glitches. You can't control everything.) But any of the casters being able to say something like "You can get all these decklists by checking out the playgwent.com website under DECKS" would have been a perfect way to help get new players into the game.

Hey, if you need volunteers for this sort of thing in the future, I'm happy to help. Feel free to contact me; I'm an old dude who is partially retired. (You have access to my email.) But now that you have a monopoly so far as deck-building sites are concerned, you should really utilize it.....and advertise it!
...and then, of course, I do a stupid think like rely on the official website for assuming that the season ends on June 2. Nope. Apparently (I find out later) this season ends on June 3, courtesy of (what else...) a tweet via the Gwent account.

Gwent Team, please, a player should be able to check your website first to find out this news. I know I still do. Naive of me, apparently, to not check Twitter, Reddit, and then the official website for news. I know the team is stretched thin, especially with other games in the pipeline, but one's own website should be the go-to site for everything.
I'm going to create a new topic but found this one.

May I ask where I can find the link to the today Gwent Open#1 Qualifier#3 (top16 season of love)?

I wish this information should be added to the news section of official Gwent website.
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