Need a game save on ps4 / messed up the Woodland Spirit trophy

Need a game save on ps4 / messed up the Woodland Spirit trophy

Hey Witcher Fans, not sure if anyone can help with this but I thought I would ask anyways. I have been playing The Witcher 3 now for a total of almost 9 days on death march difficulty and have been really careful not to mess up any trophies ( apart from the gwent one but i am sure sooner or later this will be fixed ) . Yesterday I started with the Battle of KM , going to Isle Of Mists and working on the last couple of missions. In the process I overwrote all old saves I had and used each slot for Isle of Mist and Reason of State progress. After I finished a few missing Witcher contracts and getting the Geralt the professional trophy I realized that the Woodland Spirit Trophy didn't pop. I thought it's a bug at first but when comparing the requirements with what I actually did , I had to learn I made a wrong decision...
Is there any way I can "borrow" a game save from someone that is close to the "in the heart of the woods" side ques ? Does that even work uploading a game save from someone else ? Or can anyone tell me how many hours they spent on the easiest difficulty to get to this mission ? Not sure I have another two weekends in me playing to that point ...Any other suggestions ? thanks a lot in advance
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