Mad as Hell!

in the last years, many AAA games comes unfinished, DA inquisition still got a lot of bugs, same as batman and AC unity
as in these games, require more than one year to correct all bugs, that is why developers have already received their money, and they don't care
i agree that it is wrong to release the game unfinished
16 free add-ons essentially the same part of the game, developers simply presented it as a free add-ons, thus demonstrating what they are very generous
yes, witcher 3 is currently unplayable shit, this is very sad because the game is good, we all mad

such games should be removed from stores, as it happened with pc batman version, until they will be fully corrected, is a pity that we have no laws dealing with this
Agreed, I also pre-ordered and am very upset that I did so. Pre-ordering is in many ways similar to the experience customers get when crowd/pre-funding a project. The difference here seems to be that none of the issues early customers are posting about seem to be being addressed, where as a startup or crowd funded project has its ear to the ground immediately and enacts changes accordingly to ensure success. One of the best RPG's i have ever played if not for the numerous bugs, frame rate issue, and general lack of concern for consumer issues with the product. Get your s**t together or at least respond projektred
I guess I got lucky. Missed Zoltan in my first playthrough, but picked him up in my second. Claywitch dude eventually showed up in my first, and showed up right away in my second. My point being, maybe it'll show up on a second playthrough? Or, if it's post 1.07, maybe it'll just pop up on it's own when they patch it. It's certainly worth more than one playthrough. I had more problems in Skyrim than I've had in this game
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