Mac Saved games location

Mac Saved games location

I'm using the Steam version of TW2 on Mac OS 10.8.5.

I can't delete saved games in the "load games"-menu, because my keyboard has no delete-key (small mac keyboard).
So I have to delete them manually.

Where are the saved games located?
The library section of your user account is hidden by default but you should be able to make it visible by following this thread . Just insert witcher 2 .
I followed all the steps and got into the hidden library folder.

But there's no folder "com.cdprojektred.TheWitcher"...
when everything else fails use the power of the Unix core underneath OS X.

Open a terminal and type

find . -name '*Witcher*'

and it will list all entries (files and subdirectories) containing the string "Witcher", starting from your current location (your home/user directory).
Terminal found this:

./Application Support/com.vpltd.TheWitcher2
./Application Support/com.vpltd.TheWitcher2/GameDocuments/Witcher 2
./Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/the witcher 2/The Witcher
./Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/the witcher 2/The Witcher Witcher 2
./Saved Application State/com.vpltd.TheWitcher2.savedState

Where should the save games be?
I don't have an OS X machine nearby, but I suppose you could look into those folders for anything containing files with 'sav' (minus the quotes) extension. For example, quicksave.sav. If you sort them by modification date (oldest to newest) you will know which to delete. I always leave the most recent 10 or so files.
The library "./Library/Application Support/com.vpltd.TheWitcher2/GameDocuments/Witcher 2/gamesaves" is empty.

"find . -name '.sav'" also found nothing...

Could it be I'm saving in the steam cloud?

In the options menu it says: Enable Steam Cloud
Not totally sure how Mac does the Steam thing with saving but you can have cloud saving without actually using cloud if it`s disabled from within Steam . In Windows the Steam method of saving is
Steam>userdata>Your Steam ID>20920>remote
An answer to this would be great. I'm working with a mac and the folder 'com.vpltd.TheWitcher2.savedState' indeed exists in Library\Saved Application State, but there's nothing there but a few files, each under 1mb.

I'm in the process of contacting steam about this saved game issue because I cannot find the save games in their folders either.

I believe its the number of saved games that is now causing the game to crash every time I hit the "Load Game" menu option at the title screen.
turbonerd said:
The library "./Library/Application Support/com.vpltd.TheWitcher2/GameDocuments/Witcher 2/gamesaves" is empty.

"find . -name '.sav'" also found nothing...

Could it be I'm saving in the steam cloud?

In the options menu it says: Enable Steam Cloud

Try adding a * in the search term, like this:

find . -name '*.sav'

The * is a wildcard. This means any file ending in .sav will match. You may get lots of entries, listing ALL files ending in .sav (many games use this). If you want to exclude all entries that do not contain the words Witcher, then you can add it like this:

find . -name '*Witcher*.sav'

which means anything containing "Witcher" and ending in ".sav" will match.
Second search found nothing.

First search however (only "*.sav") found this:

./Library/Application Support/Steam/userdata/100857628/20920/remote/autosave_0038.sav
./Library/Application Support/Steam/userdata/100857628/20920/remote/autosave_0040.sav
./Library/Application Support/Steam/userdata/100857628/20920/remote/autosave_0041.sav
./Library/Application Support/Steam/userdata/100857628/20920/remote/autosave_0042.sav
./Library/Application Support/Steam/userdata/100857628/20920/remote/autosave_0043.sav
./Library/Application Support/Steam/userdata/100857628/20920/remote/autosave_0044.sav
./Library/Application Support/Steam/userdata/100857628/20920/remote/autosave_0045.sav
./Library/Application Support/Steam/userdata/100857628/20920/remote/manualsave_0039.sav
./Library/Application Support/Steam/userdata/100857628/20920/remote/quicksave.sav
./Library/Application Support/Steam/userdata/100857628/72000/remote/cloudsave_closure_001.sav

As you can see, I finally found a way to delete the saves ingame (fn+backspace).
Wasn't sure this works, cause fn+f9 doesn't quickload.

Not sure, the last entry is from Witcher 2 though.
Yeah be careful, that's a problem with steam creating unintelligible directories for game data.

Did this help you solve your problem? At least you learned some useful terminal tips :p Remember Mac OS X is a POSIX system, like some Linux-based systems. Lots of power at your fingertips, barely under the hood.
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