Recent content by DontEatMe

  1. DontEatMe

    Hacking has been simplified?

    I can see where you're coming from here, but consider the time difference. A simple minigame might take as little as 30 seconds, maybe less if it is very barebones. A more standard one might take a couple of minutes. In the latter case, making the minigames very difficult either locks many...
  2. DontEatMe

    Hacking has been simplified?

    Mechanically, it looks great for what it is. Hacking minigames tend to suck primarily because they are not only repetitive, but don't present an engaging challenge. The trouble with sticking puzzle segments into games that weren't built as puzzle games is that you can't really expect that...
  3. DontEatMe

    Hacking has been simplified?

    I figure it is better for the breaching minigame to be an optional feature for the people who want to use it, giving side benefits without getting in the way of core gameplay. If they made it mandatory, most people would come to hate the minigame. As an optional feature, it avoids becoming an...
  4. DontEatMe

    Anyone else gonna spend alot of time in the character creator?

    I will probably spend a while making my first character. For subsequent playthroughs, it will depend on how much I actually saw my V. Although I may end up making a lot of crazy characters just for laughs, so probably a decent amount of time regardless. I hope you can, it fits with the theme...
  5. DontEatMe

    Post launch suggestions and fixes

    It is possible that some things like this might get patched if enough people are asking for a specific change, but this kind of feedback can be subjective. It would be bad form to change something that a few people are asking for while the majority of players enjoy it as is, so they have to be...
  6. DontEatMe

    Do you think LifePaths will gate romance ?

    That seems to be the case.
  7. DontEatMe

    RECENT NEWS (July 2nd 2020) regarding CUSTOMIZATION. APARTMENT?!?

    By any chance do you remember where/when you heard that?
  8. DontEatMe

    Will intelligence affect dialogue?

    I wont argue that it can get confusing, and that is something that should absolutely be addressed, but it doesn't seem especially unrealistic to me. What I find unrealistic is passing or failing all social challenges solely on the basis of a number, completely ignoring anything else I might have...
  9. DontEatMe

    How CP2077 should handle ammo?

    Yeah, that would be pretty annoying. Especially as I am the kind of player who reloads at every opportunity, I really don't want to get past all the underlings and find myself with no full mags left when I actually need them.
  10. DontEatMe

    Weekly Poll 11/18/19 - Decisions of the Stout Heart. Stout Month!

    I would love to "spend" the chip on someone else who pissed me off. It would be pretty funny to use it on some unrelated gang/business. Gun vendor ripping you off? Corp's paying for your new toys, and they can also foot the bill for your popcorn while you watch the raid go down. :cool:
  11. DontEatMe

    Weekly Poll 10/31/19 - FEAR. Also Cool.

    COOL probably will not have anything to do with reputation. Street cred is supposedly a mechanical representation of how well known you are, doing things like unlocking new vendors as you build a reputation. It might also do things like impact how crowds react or changing up dialogue a bit...
  12. DontEatMe

    Weekly Poll 10/31/19 - FEAR. Also Cool.

    From what I understand, street cred is your reputation. According to the skill tree from the demos, COOL affects assassination, snipers, and nerve. This indicates a performance under pressure stat, rather than a charisma or reputation stat. Based on that, COOL makes more sense as the stat to...
  13. DontEatMe

    Weekly Poll 10/31/19 - FEAR. Also Cool.

    1 and 3 because fear checks match the core idea of the skill, and it would be great to see NPCs, both enemies and crowds, have panic responses when things get too much for them. I don't want them to panic at every little thing, because that makes boring enemies and very one dimensional feeling...
  14. DontEatMe

    Driving in Cyberpunk!

    Didn't they have that in the first demo? I mean, it could easily be a preset kind of thing, but I definitely would prefer if any time we choose to shoot back while in a moving car, the car will just autopilot a random route until the combat finishes or we choose to take over. Aiming and driving...
  15. DontEatMe

    Side quest rewards and roleplaying

    I agree with the idea that the reasons for doing something are important, but not every story fits with every reason. I think having things forced in where they don't belong is much worse than not always having a reason to do everything. If you don't think there is a good enough justification...
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