Recent content by Gnomenuttz

  1. G

    Patch 1.2 — Development Update

    Lol, just decided to release this news now? Go figure.
  2. G

    What after Cyberpunk?

    What after cyberpunk? Business close down....
  3. G

    So What Ya Expect from That PATCH 1.2 coming this month?

    Not expecting much, saves on the constant disappointment with CDPR.
  4. G

    Where is the news for 1.2 ?

    Even if they did release an announcement I wouldn't pay too much attention until AFTER downloading it. Not exactly a trustworthy company.
  5. G

    Should Cyberpunk 2077 go open source?

    Too late 😆 :p
  6. G

    You're playing this game wrong!

    Not worried about anything. I'm just not playing it until it's a little more polished.
  7. G

    Why missing Cinematic/3rd person Cutscenes is THE biggest flaw

    You're right. The half-arsed combat, lack of immersion, horrid driving mechanics, and all around lack of polish and updates are nowhere near as important as the cutscenes.
  8. G

    You're playing this game wrong!

    ....not playing it at all until CDPR (or hackers) fix it.
  9. G

    Is this game an rpg?

    Dunno what it's supposed to be. Aside from incomplete of course.
  10. G

    (PC) Graphical Bug with Trees/Foliage

    Lol, might as well add that one to the mind-numbingly long list of things that need fixin'
  11. G

    How is this game after 2 months still unplayable and with visual features still broken, bugs?

    Still as buggy as my first apartment. They've released a few minor fixes but nothing really noticeable.
  12. G

    What games are you looking forward to?

    Anything NOT from CDPR
  13. G

    Petition Against Cyberpunk Multiplayer.

    Heck, this is one petition I'd sign. Don't need to shoehorn MP crap into this game.
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