Recent content by GoshkaLP

  1. GoshkaLP

    Баг со скиппи

    В самом начале выбрал у скиппи режим щеночков, но через 50 убийств он заявил, что переключается из режима убийцы в режим щеночков навсегда, как будто я изначально выбрал режим убийцы. 50 врагов набил добиванием в голову.
  2. GoshkaLP

    Skippy bug

    understandable, so maybe this is still a bug, thanks again, have a nice day :)
  3. GoshkaLP

    Skippy bug

    In general, when you choose the puppy mode, do you need to finish off the enemies in the head? I just did it to count 50 murders/ Thnaks for the answer
  4. GoshkaLP

    Skippy bug

    No, I didn't even have these answer options. The problem is, when I first picked it up, I chose puppy mode, but after 50 kills, Skippy said he was switching from killing to puppy mode forever. That is, as if I originally chose the killer mode, not the puppy, but I know for sure that this is not so.
  5. GoshkaLP

    Skippy bug

    When I found Skippy, I set it to puppy mode, but after 50 kills Skippy said that it was in killer mode, so he set puppy mode forever. I think that's a bug.
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