Recent content by iDEATH

  1. iDEATH

    Gameplay Demo - Your Suggestion/Feedback Thread

    I loved it. As a long time (like early 1990s) player of the tabletop and a massive fan of the genre overall, I don't think I could ask for much more. There maybe some quibbles, but since so much is likely to change between now and release it doesn't seem worth the effort, especially since, as I...
  2. iDEATH

    FP VS TP - perspective matters

    Funny, it's actually the opposite for me. Being a floating camera with gun stuck to it is far, far less immersive for me due to the lack of having any sense of where my body is in the environment. Proprioception does not exist (yet) in even the best VR, and I always find it at least a little...
  3. iDEATH

    FP VS TP - perspective matters

    I'm a longtime fan of the pen and paper RPG, and I've been eagerly looking forward to this game since that first trailer (in 2012?) I vastly prefer third-person games over first person ones, and I don't see the point of character customization if we never see our own character. The latter there...
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