Recent content by jonamaft

  1. J

    [BUG] Stuck on loading screen at the end of King's Gambit quest

    well first i had and still have the bugged ' roach' at hangman tree not showing up, but they sais you can skip raoch and finish the story without him me : great ! then i come to the kings quest and voila , infinite loading screen , thank you for playing ,,,, second game breaking bugg for me , i...
  2. J

    Quest An Eye for An Eye Broken ( PS4 )

    Hey, I could use a hand. Currently I'm rather far into the story, up to "Isle of Mist" gather allies part, and I need ti 'gather' Roche. The only problem is the quest where you 'gather' him, eye for an eye seems broken. He's supposed to show up at the Hanged tree, but he's not there. Even...
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