Recent content by KenKato7

  1. KenKato7

    2022 Roadmap announcement

    4 months after publishing this roadmap I must admit that I am disappointed. This roadmap quite simply does not provide enough changes and innovation in order to keep the player base interested. It also lacks the ability to attract new players. I am afraid this could lead to a slow and quiet...
  2. KenKato7

    Nerf OP Cards

    Kolgrim decks fill my deck with bronze cards. Thus my chance of actually drawing my counters are smaller. Anyway it's more a matter of fun. Who the *** enjoys playing against Kolgrim and hoping to luckily draw his counter. It's just stupid, boring rock, paper sissors.
  3. KenKato7

    Any decks that make you feel frustrated?

    Kolgrim ! I stopped playing because of this **** Card. I'll reviste only after seeing this stopped Card nerfed. Either you have the counter to Kolgrim and you win or you don't and you lose. It's like playing rock, paper, sissors for 20 Minutes...
  4. KenKato7

    So... the Blightmaker?

    Yes I agree it is just too strong. AND it gives those f** Kolgrim Decks tempo, which is absolutly the worst
  5. KenKato7

    8.3 Patch notes

    I totally agree please just nerf Kolgrim it's so annoying to play against. nobody will keep on playing for long with this sh** around.
  6. KenKato7

    Nerf OP Cards

    Kolgrim is just stupid. no wonder the player base goes done if you have to play against this boring deck all day long
  7. KenKato7

    Viper Witcher Nerf, Kolgrim Nerf

    I agree Kolgrim is just no fun to play against. Hope they nerf it soon otherwise I'll leave these game again....
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