Recent content by Z0MB13LUV3R

  1. Z

    Bring back the nudity for us aged!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'll just put this here ;)
  2. Z

    Card Graphics?

    I don't know what pictures you're looking at but the card art is so much better looking then Witcher 3 (TW3 Art still good). Here is the full list of cards with their art.
  3. Z

    (GmeMode Suggestion) Pre-made Deck Mode.

    (GmeMode Suggestion) Pre-made Deck Mode. What I mean by pre-made deck mode is that people (most likely newcomers) can choose a deck that is pre-made an verse another person, that also chooses a pre-made deck. This eliminates the difference between op deck vs newbie deck and creates a even...
  4. Z

    Monster Faction Power Discussion

    Monster deck is fine, but it should not be able to keep gold cards. Since gold cards are immune to pretty much anything, I feel like keeping gold cards on the field after a round is game breaking.
  5. Z

    Premium Cards?

    Premium Cards? Just wondering are they available in closed beta. I have only seen the Grealt premium card which everyone has.
  6. Z

    Is Gwent a pay to win game?

    Well if you click the gg button at the end of the match, you give the opponent a little reward.
  7. Z

    Gwent on Steam???

    The full release will be on Steam.
  8. Z

    Where do i enter code!

    I got Gwent in my shelf now, all you need to do is go on the kts site you should get an option to enter you're email , and then bam you should have it.
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