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  1. Split_seen

    Randomize Radio songs, play them in Menus

    Every time I start the game and hop into the car, I get the same song playing on the radio station as a fixed #1 song for that station. Why aren't they simply randomized? I'm not sure for all of them, just some, like Nina Kraviz's station. Also, why does the music stop if you go to the menu...
  2. Split_seen

    The Art style Discussion thread

    Didn't see this kind of thread around so, if it's been posted already feel free to delete. So I'm wondering, what did you love or hate about the game aesthetically and atmosphere-wise, from the angle of the Sound and the Artistic Deparment's involvement with the game? What stood out, well or...
  3. Split_seen

    (SPOILERS) Extra "difficulty" setting - Relic timer

    I think it'd be an interesting game mode option to have aside from the actual difficulty settings where V has an actual time limit in which to finish the game. Simplest way I can think of would be one based on an arbitrary number of days - let's say 30, that can pass in gametime before you are...
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