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  1. D

    Patch 1.2 — list of changes

    All that and they still didn't fix the game-breaking bug in Disasterpiece? Guess I'm waiting for patch 1.-fucking-3, now.
  2. D

    Playstation 4 Framerate topic (2,0)

    I feel your frustration. I have already purchased the game and the season pass, so I will force myself to play through the framerate (which is easily my greatest pet peeve on any game or machine, I am nigh OCD about smooth gameplay). So I'll choke it down like cold soup so my dad doesn't yell...
  3. D

    Playstation 4 Framerate topic (2,0)

    I'd just like to add to this, yes the framerate in the expansion is a problem. Individual movement of creatures, trees, grass, etc. is still smooth and seems normal, but when moving (walk, run, horse, any movement) there is a definite and constant stutter. Also, looting has become very slow...
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