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  1. C

    John Natalis Bugged or incorrect description?

    So John Natalis states the following "While this unit is on the battlefield all units with orders gain zeal". This is an incorrect description or a bug because SUMMONED units are not granted Zeal. In particular the Kaedweni Revenant I've noticed this interaction not working. In theory, with...
  2. C

    Weird bug with Ciri: Dash & Udalryk

    Weird bug with Ciri: Dash & Udalryk So weirdly, when you pull Ciri: dash and any other card (not important) with Udalryk. If you select the card that isn't Ciri:dash. What happens, is ciri:dash gets discarded, goes back to the deck (all normal so far), but here is the weird bit, rather than...
  3. C

    Bekkers twisted mirror's description is misleading.

    Bekkers twisted mirror's description is misleading. It says swap the power of the highest and lowest units. However this is not what it does it all. It boosts the lowest unit to the highest units Power and damages the highest to the lowest units power. The big difference being it doesnt swap...
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