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  1. S

    Gwent Tracker in Pro Ladder

    I will start doing that tomorrow if I can't get a tracker software to get running haha
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    Gwent Tracker in Pro Ladder

    Gwent Tracker in Pro Ladder Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone knew why Gwenttracker doesn't recognize my matches in the Pro Ladder, thus not giving me the ability to see my winrate etc. I know it's not an official tool, but I loved using it to analyse patterns ala winrates against certain...
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    Gwent Season started, how do I play Pro Ladder?

    Oh geez, I'm stupid, sry guys. I was just curious about the lack of a button. Because when the season ends, the "Ranked" button is just greyed out, I thought there must be a Pro Ladder button greyed out already, I guess there just isn't yet.
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    Gwent Season started, how do I play Pro Ladder?

    Gwent Season started, how do I play Pro Ladder? Question is as the title goes. I was rank 20, so I'm in the Pro Ladder, but I can't see a button for pro ladder. Just Casual and Ranked, as it was.
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    Gold Units can now be Targeted by Spells and Effects

    Honestly the only way this could possibly not be a bad change, would be a major overhaul of Gold effects, giving all of them a (stronger) Deploy ability. What use is a Gold like Borkh? Or Vabjorn, who already is underplayed. Even then it would seem like a poor choice to me, kinda defies the...
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    Harald the Cripple changes leaked

    Hmm, don't know what I think about this. Would make him the strongest lead card in the game imo. Not only is he a solid standalone 12 point card, but the synergy through the ongoing damage is way too much. Although if other leaders were changed too, maybe it won't be too bad. Feels like...
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    New Mechanic : Trapped

    I don't think he meant "trapped" equals "lock but can't be unlocked". I think what he meant was simply a new token, that makes the unit unable of being moved. And by adding the 2nd unit he intends to built some synergies for it. I do see how this could benefit monster weather, but honestly I do...
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    Ranked Play season ending August 27th — a message from Paweł Burza

    Just curious about the new ladder, I've been on 4.3k before but got bored and started experimenting in ranked. Now on about 4k. So I won't be able to join new ladder if I don't hit 4.2k again before 27th?
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    Johnny Change: Intended drawback?

    But that's excactly what I was referring to. I used Johnny on my Ciri:Dash, but didn't get a new gold, because my opponent had no golds in his deck, alas, had all 4 in hand. edit: so basically I lost a card, for naught.
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    Johnny Change: Intended drawback?

    Johnny Change: Intended drawback? Johnny was changed from copying a card in whatever location, to copying a card from your opponents deck. Now it happened twice to me, that my opponent didn't have a gold card in their deck in the first round. This is a huge negative aspect of playing Johnny...
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    Analyzing every Anti-Weather / Weather-Support card

    Great analysis! Still hopeful that CDPR will work something out.
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    Suggestions on how to fight the current meta SK decks with NR?

    Well basically you gotta go control yourself. Either by playing a deck like Swims Machine Deck, or trying to go weather + strong golds yourself.
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    Share Your (Creative) Deck Names

    ST Moving: Catch Me if You Can (although the deck sucks, still fun to play haha)
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    New Cards and/or Leaders?

    I think there's tons of possibilities to still find. New Faction would be rather hard though I think, as the biggest players are already in here one way or another. Though especially for monsters, there's still a ton of unused ones e.g. Wraiths, Endrega, basilisk etc. etc. Looking forward for...
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    GwentUp — Gwent Tracker Plus

    Looks neat, might try it out. Keep the good work up! (Y)
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    Ragh Nar Roog is too weak now (Don't think I'm going to get a lot of sympathizers)

    +1 OP, really think rnr and drought are useless now.
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    Open Beta ruined the ST faction

    Pretty much summed it up. Only thing I'm really curious about is to see, how/if the meta will change in the next couple of weeks. Against the current SK-decks ST sucks hard. Just as NG does.
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    Update: Did not get extra Scrap for Bought Kegs

    Got mine too!
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    Update: Did not get extra Scrap for Bought Kegs

    Oh ok, thanks for the info!
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    Update: Did not get extra Scrap for Bought Kegs

    Real Money, I did read the patch notes haha No I was just curious, because last time there were extra scraps (or was it ore/powder, don't really remember) I didn't get any either, but forgot to write that here. And I bought quite many kegs, so the extra scrap would really be welcome :P
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