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  1. X

    Why Many Players Not Giving GG

    Not even kidding you my friend, I played for a few months and had NO idea how to forfeit the matches even though my opponent would on occasion. It was trigger to be so impatient and not know how to quit lol
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    During the stream they showed the premium for Hym and its so fucking hitting. Its easily one of my top 5 favorite premiums. The artists need a huge Christmas bonus just for how great of a job they do designing these cards. As a matter of fact the whole team is doing a fantastic job. We fans...
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    Why Many Players Not Giving GG

    If the game tilts to my opponents favor and we both know the game is over yet they keep throwing cards onto the board when it's 30 to 99 I won't GG. I don't care about what's in your hand. Same principle with Hearthstone. If it's my opponents turn and I have 5 hp and he's got a card that can hit...
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    [SPOILERS] Saovine: Holiday of the Dead - Help Solving Puzzles

    Just a word of warning to the noobs who've never done an event such as this: in the 2nd round do NOT pass when the Vamp side does. You'll lose lol.
  5. X

    Share Your (Creative) Deck Names

    For my SC dwarf deck: Nano Boosted Torbjörns NF Reveal deck: I Spy And my NK: SiegeXcore
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