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  1. MakoRuu

    My keyboard has 41,681 keys and I still have to double tap alt to put my weapon away.

    Seriously, it's been like a year almost. Three huge patches, one almost 40GBs, and this still hasn't been patched out? Why would they make it like this, and you can't even reassign the key. At least let us reassign the key. Why not Long Hold R like literally every other FPS every made in the...
  2. MakoRuu

    Please, PLEASE!!! Let us recraft Base Iconic Weapons!

    Like many people already complaining, I accidentally sold or dismantled some of my iconic weapons thinking, "I have a recipe for this, I'll craft the Epic version later," without realizing the base item is a component in the recipe. This was, unfortunately, not clearly explained. A simple...
  3. MakoRuu

    Brendan Relic Malfunction Glitch on Quest Spray Paint (No Spoilers.)

    I was about to run Judy's quest where you help her at Megabuilding H8, and I noticed that Brendan was having some trouble with a punk, so I decided to help out. The quest is called Spray Paint. After dealing with the situation, you talk to Brendan and he says some interesting things, and then V...
  4. MakoRuu

    Dear CD Projekt Red, let's talk about shotguns.

    I've watched every second of footage that was released about three or four times, and I am absolutely in love with it. Super hyped for the game, I pre-ordered in May for my birthday, and now I just have to wait. But I have one nagging concern. Please do not mess up shotguns. EVERY Single game...
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