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  1. Anarchizt

    My biggest bother of this game [Spoilers]

    Here is the problem though. Dexter Deshawn's untimely demise is due to his own actions, he is very aware of the risks associated with what he was doing. he was always in control until he wasnt. Still more control than the main protagonist. Evelyn wanted to get rich quick because of "reasons"...
  2. Anarchizt

    My biggest bother of this game [Spoilers]

    And people defending this saying "well its Cyberpunk" Yeah I completely get that, but shouldn't it be "cyberpunk" for everyone and everything in the story?
  3. Anarchizt

    My biggest bother of this game [Spoilers]

    I don't like feeling like a victim the entire game. Everyone else in the story feels more powerful and in control of themselves in this story. You can have all these story elements that is in the game, without making the player feel like shit throughout.
  4. Anarchizt

    Share Your V! (Keep it Classy)

  5. Anarchizt

    Goodnight Night City, 180hrs and closure.

    I shot myself in the face in the end over how bad the game had been. I had suffered enough and decided to do the responsible thing.
  6. Anarchizt

    Share your screenshots, NPCS, World, or your Character.

    Picture simulator 2077. Not a good game, but you can take pretty pictures.
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