What will you play Cyberpunk 2077 on?

Zagor-Te-Nay;n8392530 said:
Somehow I suspected kofee isn't into consoles. :p

Ahahhah! Can you see it? I'm picturing him playing BG2 on console right now. Sweating from manful effort not to garbarate his controller. "WHERE? Where is the Mage spells button?! WHY ARE THERE OBJECTIVE MARKERS IN BG2?!!!!!!"

kofeiiniturpa;n8397530 said:
I'm being read like an open book. A cook book. What ever gave it away?

"Why are my dialogue choices not my actual dialogue? WHY DOES MINSC NOW SAY "BAD VILLAINS" WHEN I SELECT "MAKE WAY VILLAINY?!" THIS IS HERESY!
I'm hoping Cyberpunk 2077 will launch together with PS5 and XBOX TWO in 2019.. that way the consoles won't be holding back the PC platform too much. And Cyberpunk 2077 get to enjoy a whole console cycle, lots of sales. It's honestly the best option. The graphics down grade that happened with Witcher 3 because of consoles was very sad, if Cyperpunk is going to blow people away we don't want any of that.

Guest 4094220

With an i5-4670k, and probably a newer card that's not going to bottleneck.
ShinGnosis;n8416240 said:
I'm hoping Cyberpunk 2077 will launch together with PS5 and XBOX TWO in 2019.. that way the consoles won't be holding back the PC platform too much. And Cyberpunk 2077 get to enjoy a whole console cycle, lots of sales. It's honestly the best option. The graphics down grade that happened with Witcher 3 because of consoles was very sad, if Cyperpunk is going to blow people away we don't want any of that.

no way ps5 or xbox one are coming in 2019 most likely 2021 earliest.
It would be better if, rather than all that PS 5. 6. 7. 8, XBOX 1, 2, 3, 4 shit, all those useless platforms were melted into one. Having all that shit clogging up the developement is limiting, expensive, clumsy, and pontless to both the game makers and the gamers. And same with all those online platforms like Steam, U-Play, Origin, etc.
kofeiiniturpa;n8425680 said:
It would be better if, rather than all that PS 5. 6. 7. 8, XBOX 1, 2, 3, 4 shit, all those useless platforms were melted into one. Having all that shit clogging up the developement is limiting, expensive, clumsy, and pontless to both the game makers and the gamers. And same with all those online platforms like Steam, U-Play, Origin, etc.

consoles are still the best bang for the buck experience and most gamers want to game on their couch with a 5.1 surround sound system instead of sitting infront of a pc with 200 directx updates and driver updates and os updates every 10min. PC gaming is an awful experience imo. and also very expensive with shady gpu makers gimping their cards to get the most money out of u. its a scam.
The point is that you can do everything a console does with a PC (and the consoles aren't the platforms free from online burdens they once were; they have their own updates and game patching just like the PC). You can have your couch and TV and controller, or a desk with keyboard and mouse, you can be offline and online and what ever, mix and match. And developing games to one single platform (instead of 3 or 4, or more) removes a huge burden from the developer, and the quality of gaming is much, much more likely improve than it is now.
animalfather;n8425730 said:
consoles are still the best bang for the buck experience and most gamers want to game on their couch


No, technically most gamers use their phones.


Mobile, then PC then consoles.

And before you claim mobile gamers aren't gamers, remember that many PC people feel that way about the simplified console platforms.

Simply put, many of us, most of us, don't prefer to sit on our couch and play video games.

That's for Netflix!
i dont consider mobile users gamers. and pc gamers and console gamers play the same games. its more common to find games exclusively on console than the other way around.
Any system. The beauty of having all consoles and a gaming PC is that you don't have to pick sides when people go to war. I may just get it on a console to start with, though, because I hate plugging in controllers to a PC. Boo-hoo, am I right?
PC.Always PC.CDprojectRED games are always best on PC.Whoever is playing them on a console is mission out.
Not only that but consoles are dragging us all back with their garbage.

If companies want to compete with hardware sure,make new video cards,new CPU, whatever.But what consoles do is just repackaging the hardware that is developed for PC.There is ZERO reason for the consumer or the developer to have all those locked platforms,on the other hand it is a great way for companies like microsoft,nintendo and sony to make you pay them for some plastic and a brand name.

Screamshield;n8431390 said:
PC.Always PC.CDprojectRED games are always best on PC.Whoever is playing them on a console is mission out.
Not only that but consoles are dragging us all back with their garbage.

If companies want to compete with hardware sure,make new video cards,new CPU, whatever.But what consoles do is just repackaging the hardware that is developed for PC.There is ZERO reason for the consumer or the developer to have all those locked platforms,on the other hand it is a great way for companies like microsoft,nintendo and sony to make you pay them for some plastic and a brand name.

Hey, guess what this leads to? Platform Wars! Guess what's not allowed here? Platform Wars.

I'm leaving this post in place so everyone knows what'll get them in trouble.
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