Will friendly matches ever be possible in cross-play?

Will friendly matches ever be possible in cross-play?

As title says, I really want to be able to challenge my Gwent friends thats on PC when I am on Xbox. And compete in the tournaments that now only is for PC.
Sorry if I explained bad, I know casual and ranked matches can be played cross-play, I want to be able to challenge my friends on friendly match, like the PC-users can do. I guess it soon will come to Xbox as well, but I hope it will be possible to challenge friends on different platforms. So when I sit on my Xbox I can challenge my friends on PC.
Scizofrenic_Guy;n7547960 said:
You know yesterday in that spot where it says card Smith I saw someone where it did not say card smith but instead Xbox Live.

Cardsmith = PC player, Xbox = Xbox.
KasumiGoto;n7548150 said:
Cardsmith = PC player, Xbox = Xbox.

I realize that but it had seemed that the op did not realize this. Its clear now that he did and was asking if it worked with a friendly match.

Also I know it does not matter but Kasumi Goto was one of my favorite characters in Mass Effect 2.
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