New Update Has made alot of Factions too Powerful

New Update Has made alot of Factions too Powerful

The new update Changes have made some factions too powerful and thrown the game out of Balance, the Demetrium bomb has not way of stopping Northern Realms Gold Card spamming which is complete BS!!! Why make it where you can make your entire board all gold cards but make commanders horn only level up 5 cards! It makes all decks obsolete when competing against and deck like that. This throws teh entire monsters deck down the drain
Bolzenschuss;n8204860 said:
what do you mean by making a whole board gold?

if you think about the new mechanic how healers work monster weather becomes more powerfull than ever!

Weather cards cant effect gold cards! If a northern deck uses a henslet card on his entire row its gold if they multiple a redanian warrior theyre entire row is gold! If they use the towers with a henslet card everything on that row turns gold they can even add points once a card is gold. Ive had someone turn all of theyre entire card deck on the table gold its nonsense yet a fucking commander horn can only give 5 cards 4 points. Thats coimplete bullshit
And now, lets clean up the language a bit. Thank you.

Even when disagreeing or feeling frustrated, remember to keep the discussion civilized.
Sunsibar;n8205180 said:
And now, lets clean up the language a bit. Thank you.

Even when disagreeing or feeling frustrated, remember to keep the discussion civilized.

I'm sorry I honestly never get on forums but I'm really enraged after this update. I've been playing this game 10 hours of the day everyday till this update, Luckily someone managed to get a picture of this because its a perfect description of whats been happening almost every game now. The game was perfectly balanced till this happened and its ludicrous. I honestly wont play this game ever again if they don't fix this stuff. The only thing that could help you recover after something like this was Demetrium Bomb but they only allow it to do 5 cards now! The Commanders horn is complete castrated! Im about to freaking lose it


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alizr3ik;n8205080 said:
Weather cards cant effect gold cards! If a northern deck uses a henslet card on his entire row its gold if they multiple a redanian warrior theyre entire row is gold! If they use the towers with a henslet card everything on that row turns gold they can even add points once a card is gold. Ive had someone turn all of theyre entire card deck on the table gold its nonsense.

edited for language, don't want a Sunsibar wrist slap :)

Sunsibar;n8205180 said:
And now, lets clean up the language a bit. Thank you.
Even when disagreeing or feeling frustrated, remember to keep the discussion civilized.

joking aside, NR gold spam has been this way for a while now. it is/was a good counter to weather and remains so.

you need to drop NR's str/points before they covert to gold. doing it after is much harder now of course because D'bomb no longer affects the entire row.

imo, Henslet needs to follow the new mechanic an not affect the 'entire' row. far too powerful with the new positioning mechanic and buffs/removals being targeted.

basically I <edit> agree with the OP on this one.
(sry San's couldn't resist... delete these last 2 remarks if you want Oh Powerful Wizard of Modz)
(well played sir. I stand edited).
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I haven't played that much with the latest patch, since I have been playing Horizon as my main project, but I did a bit of experimenting with Gwent yesterday.

I also noticed that there were few Henselts more on the move, than what I used to see earlier. They pretty much destroyed me, but my decks were outdated and not made for this new patch, so I can't complain yet. I need to do more experiments when I have time and see how it goes then. This patch just came out yesterday, changed a lot of things and I guess we need to wait a bit to see where it settles.
Before the patch, I saw lots of people refer to NR as being the weakest deck, so I have no objections to most of these changes. It was agonising to spend a whole round buffing siege towers only for an opponent to toss out a D'Bomb right at the end and give themselves a 30 point lead.

(My NR deck doesn't use Henselt, so I can't really make a judgement either way for whether he needs a change as well)
You're approaching playing against Henselt wrong. Although Henselt is a very competitive leader now, he's still very 1-dimensional (well against weathers he is 2-dimensional)

1. He represents points, and sometimes combos to big make very big numbers.
2. He provides protection to those points (especially against weather).

In particular you're playing a very combo orientated version of Henselt: you can tell if they run 3 siege towers and/or 3 ballistas.

Since they are combo orientated you should try to get ahead of their score quickly while they're making low tempo plays like playing siege towers, then weather their row just before he's about to henselt it (that should come with experience). If you run multiple weathers you can use this to apply pressure to a Henselt, who is unlikely to run more than 1 First Light. The most important thing is that you break up the rounds in a favourable way for you. This can happen a couple of ways:

1. Make Round 1 really long, especially if you started second. If you lose that you'll have a monsters passive keep and his hand will probably have some combo pieces which are low tempo.
2. Split the rounds up about half each. Pass just as he's about to crest in power, potentially throwing a spy on the board. For example if you play a spy and it goes to 65-40 for him, then his logical way to win the round is using Henselt, which forces the CA to you. Then just pass.

If you win Round 1 don't forget to bleed him dry and make sure you get as many useful cards out of his hand as possible going into Round 3. This is why a lot of Henselt players will give up Round 2 for a card if they win Round 1, because they love having the +1 card and the really long round. If you win Round 1 you get to dictate how long Round 2 is, which will nullify a lot of his combo potential.
:) change the topic to "monsters are heavily nerfed this patch" instead of other factions being too powerful now.
monsters place is down the drain. (until they become what they were prior to this patch which then everybody is gonna jump on them and ruin the game with weather spam)
Codexhel;n8207700 said:
You're approaching playing against Henselt wrong. Although Henselt is a very competitive leader now, he's still very 1-dimensional (well against weathers he is 2-dimensional)

1. He represents points, and sometimes combos to big make very big numbers.
2. He provides protection to those points (especially against weather).

In particular you're playing a very combo orientated version of Henselt: you can tell if they run 3 siege towers and/or 3 ballistas.

Since they are combo orientated you should try to get ahead of their score quickly while they're making low tempo plays like playing siege towers, then weather their row just before he's about to henselt it (that should come with experience). If you run multiple weathers you can use this to apply pressure to a Henselt, who is unlikely to run more than 1 First Light. The most important thing is that you break up the rounds in a favourable way for you. This can happen a couple of ways:

1. Make Round 1 really long, especially if you started second. If you lose that you'll have a monsters passive keep and his hand will probably have some combo pieces which are low tempo.
2. Split the rounds up about half each. Pass just as he's about to crest in power, potentially throwing a spy on the board. For example if you play a spy and it goes to 65-40 for him, then his logical way to win the round is using Henselt, which forces the CA to you. Then just pass.

If you win Round 1 don't forget to bleed him dry and make sure you get as many useful cards out of his hand as possible going into Round 3. This is why a lot of Henselt players will give up Round 2 for a card if they win Round 1, because they love having the +1 card and the really long round. If you win Round 1 you get to dictate how long Round 2 is, which will nullify a lot of his combo potential.

thank you for the rich and deep exploitation of uncle henselt's strategies. and i'm glad you didn't tell everything.
Ruthless95;n8208150 said:
:) change the topic to "monsters are heavily nerfed this patch" instead of other factions being too powerful now.
monsters place is down the drain. (until they become what they were prior to this patch which then everybody is gonna jump on them and ruin the game with weather spam)
Ge'els is going to be very powerful now, Lacerate is its biggest weakness however

Tamacountry13;n8209080 said:
Ge'els is going to be very powerful now, Lacerate is its biggest weakness however

Geel's? Haven't see one in day, but now Henselt is far too powerful with the new "spy cow" of Nilfgaard I can't destroy his row, because he can make the final decision. Henselt should be balance a bit.
Mafio;n8209330 said:
Geel's? Haven't see one in day, but now Henselt is far too powerful with the new "spy cow" of Nilfgaard I can't destroy his row, because he can make the final decision. Henselt should be balance a bit.
I feel with the positioning patch, Hensalt shouldn't effect the whole row. He should Gold 5-7 units or three of you choice on any row. Currently it can just overpower everything and with D-Bomb neutered it's only true counter is gone.

Monster has the easiest time swarming the field with Arachas and Riders as well as tokens from Golems and the like. I've been playing my Ge'els deck since the patch and it's not uncommon to gain 20-50 points from him alone.

Started playing a Henselt deck before the patch, 5-7 units on the same row is usually all that you need. With Margarita and a promote its more than enough. Way more than enough if you got the operator as well.
Trying to get more units on a row (like poor infantry for example) makes your game very vulnerable to counters.
Personally I tend to mix the weak units with counters. for exampe Sbrina + Operator work wonders on the opponents numbers
The Northern Kingdom rules the world after this new patch, definitely. This game still needs a lot of work to balance. I hope to see the Scoia Tael gets nerfed too, specifically Eithne' should not be allowed to return a gold card and we should be given a way to lock ambush cards.
Just got my ass destroyed by a multitude of absorption Skelligard soldiers and a Harold last-play. It felt not just overpowered but silly and cheap. I'll not be playing again until that's balanced out. Easily the most ridiculous change so far. SAD! FAKE NEWS!

(Should also go without saying I'll NEVER give anybody a "good game" if it feels like they won due to unbalanced mechanics or cheap tricks.)
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