Zero Variety.

OnesParadise;n8713560 said:
Right now NG is so extremely powerful that it's silly not to use it (call me silly for not using it). You can literally play your whole deck in 1 game and get a free victory every time.

Nope, i won many games with Eredin against NG.
I've mostly been playing casual right now, seems to have a good variety, I see most things expect NR.
My weather monsters deck got demolished by a damage SK, my weather was just helping him out and giving him more value it was ridiculous and awesome.
In the last few days i've faced:
- All 3 nilfgaard leaders (with obviously very different decks)
- Queensguards
- Morvarg skellige
- Dwarves
- ST control
- Dagon Weather
- Elder consume
- Eredin weather

And even a few foltest spam decks. I'd say there is quite the variety atm
I think there is variety, but it's more and more feeling like a variety of cheese strategies to me. Henselt Cheese (he usually gives you way too much value compared to most other leaders...), Morkvarg Cheese, Tibor Cheese (given that gold cards have been so upgraded, a 25 strength gold just is not a good idea - that's not just a problem of this gold card though), ST Scorch Cheese or Weather cheese (I'm not just talking about monster decks here...)...
I'm still quite a low level, around 7 or so, which means I'm just getting out of the point where every game is against Eredin and on to the part where most people are playing Nilfgaard. It does seem like there's a bit more variety now though, and I don't find Nilfgaard as close to as annoying to play against as constant frost. It is definitely annoying that there are so many people netdecking already though, I mean come on the game's only been open for a week, play with your own ideas. I think one of the main problems is the streamers - they just encourage people to play the same archetypes. Merchant in particular seems to pick other people's decks, makes little to no changes to them and spams them for weeks on end, or just puts the same cards in every deck.

As people have said, hopefully because the game is new, everyone is just playing basic decks and crafting the same things. I really don't like the change so its now harder to craft ANY gold card - hopefully that's just a short term thing that will be changed, so when CDPR know which ones are op, they will rank them accordingly. I also don't like the direction of very little interacting with them, especially with cards like Tibor. I expect we'll see balance changes sometime in June for everything else.
DMaster2;n8716990 said:
In the last few days i've faced:
- All 3 nilfgaard leaders (with obviously very different decks)
- Queensguards
- Morvarg skellige
- Dwarves
- ST control
- Dagon Weather
- Elder consume
- Eredin weather

And even a few foltest spam decks. I'd say there is quite the variety atm

I'm at around 1500 mmr and all I see is ST, SK and NG decks. It was the same in CBT but with different factions: ST, NR and monsters.

It's getting pretty boring.
No matter how things change (balance patches new cards etc) it will always be the same. People find the decks that work others netdeck the decks that work and diversity stalls for a moment till new "balance patches new cards etc" arrive. That's the story with most Ccg's i have played so far.
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