Grave Hag and weather

Grave Hag and weather

As we know, Grave Hag doesn't have immunity for weather but last match that I've played vs monsters showed that it isn't absolutely true. So, I was one card behind my opponent, that last move was his. We both have one card left, mine was Coral, so I played her in middle row predicting that he has Hag in his hand. I wasn't wrong. He plays her, she consumes monsters from graveyard and the weather effect does not trigger making me lose the match. Also, is Coral able to be played only in middle and back row? Because I couldn't play her in front row earlier, although it's not written anywhere.
So, just to make sure I understand this correctly, you played weather with Coral, and -then- your opponent played their Grave Hag?

Because if that's the case, then this is all working as intended. Weather isn't a continuous effect. If you use any kind of buff (eg. Swallow or Thunderbolt potions) on a weathered card, the card doesn't get reset back to 1 again, it keeps the added strength. The Grave Hag's strength is already 1, and it doesn't absorb strength until the turn -after- it's been played, so playing weather before it's even on the battlefield won't do anything to it.
NatoGreavesy;n8530330 said:
So, just to make sure I understand this correctly, you played weather with Coral, and -then- your opponent played their Grave Hag?

Because if that's the case, then this is all working as intended. Weather isn't a continuous effect. If you use any kind of buff (eg. Swallow or Thunderbolt potions) on a weathered card, the card doesn't get reset back to 1 again, it keeps the added strength. The Grave Hag's strength is already 1, and it doesn't absorb strength until the turn -after- it's been played, so playing weather before it's even on the battlefield won't do anything to it.

^ This

Also yes, Coral only spawns Fog or Rain. If you zoom it on the card it shows the row symbols.
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