Combat in The Witcher 3

And they don't have to be shown until release as far as I'm concerned.
Showing too much about the game can be just as harmful as not showing nothing at all. You are within your own right to be worried, nobody said otherwise, but try to keep things into perspective. You honestly can't expect for them to showcase their entire moveset for Geralt. As for what we've seen so far, it was all within the context of very short fights on a difficulty that is tweaked for public demos, where one swing kills a drowner, thus showcasing extended combos being difficult to pull off.

Like I said in my previous post, what we've seen so far is already a step up from Witcher 2 (pirouettes, no more long sword swinging animations, kick ripostes). I can only imagine what a tree like swordsmanship will have to offer in the full game, and I can't wait to find that out on my own when the game comes out.

I understand your point of view and I partially agree. In fact I don't want to see the whole move set. Just a little bit more, because I don't think that some other thrust attack or counter can be classified as spoiler.
Let's not forget there's an entire swordsmanship tree that unlocks new moves as you progress through it. What we saw was just a taste, and I'm fairly happy with the variation shown in the fairly short combat sequences that we saw.
And this is why I'll go 100% SWORDSMANSHIP Tree First!
Let's not forget there's an entire swordsmanship tree that unlocks new moves as you progress through it. What we saw was just a taste, and I'm fairly happy with the variation shown in the fairly short combat sequences that we saw. There were pirouettes, kicks, fair variation on sword swings. One can only imagine the plethora of moves we'll get in the full game.

I am not demanding or judging, but merely expecting some confirmation of the eventual attack variations. Is it confirmed by RED that progressing along the swordsmanship tree will unlock more animations?

And besides, initiating attacks deserve more animations in any case considering how frequent dodges are used. It is particularly the lack of this type of animations that worries me.
In TW2 I always wanted to finish my enemies off in real time after they went down.
e.g Stab them back/chest and then step on them to pull my sword out of their dead digital body.
I like to make sure they are good and dead, plus it it just feels good to do/see that stuff after a hard fight.
FABLE 1 had this, I'm sure CDPR can do it and in a much cooler way;)
I'm lowering my expectations about that "96 different animations" thing. There are probably several that are very situationa, like when an enemy is against a wall. I remember from Arkham City such a situation, where an enemy was against the wall and Batman did a finishing move I've never seen until then - or since, because it was such a specific moment that I never found myself in it again in a battle. Then maybe there are some animations for weapons other than the swords, that fall into that "96" statement. And so forth.

So while I'm hoping for more, I'm not expecting too much about the variety in animation for your average, regular combat sequence.
This is a problem with static animations; they are very restrictive and aren't reactive to the situation. Procedurally generated animations solves this problem.
sends a clear message that Geralt is not to be fucked with.
Seems hardly necessary, not to mention his fighting style in the books was the polar opposite, at least I don't remember him using such a brute force very much.
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That could also be a strong strike which does more damage than a fast strike which would do less damage but have more finesse .
Its clearly a heavy attack which is fallowed by red'ish flash. It was to show of the brutality and dismemberment in W3. However im sure ill be using light attacks mostly.

Speaking of light/fast strikes... Is it me or you really cant dismember with light strikes, just with heavy ones? I hope not.

I know its probably impossible to cut a man in half with light strike (even for a witcher like Geralt), but atleast an arm/leg or head falling off would be great.
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That could also be a strong strike which does more damage than a fast strike which would do less damage but have more finesse .
Pretty sure that was just a Heavy attack. So the player demonstrating just chose to end the battle that way.
I believe it is a strong attack held down for that finisher.(It uses vigor/stamina) It can be used anytime in combat from what I've seen so far, it also appears to be used for destroying objects & obstacles i.e. Tree Spirit's branches. ( I think you can use light attacks as well, sorry. Just went back and watched it again. Although that power strike does more damage of course and probably get the job done sooner. I really like the animation @ 31:39 - 31:44 during that particular scene when Geralt jumps back followed by a spin strike to his left.Nice foot work ) Additionally, I remember reading that depending on the sword type - Steel or Silver, that the animations would vary between the two.

As @Kinley said, and I've posted in the past - They are not going to show every single animation before release and I do not expect them to either. Another thing to keep in mind ( If more animations open up via the swordsmanship tree ) Geralt was only level 7. I'm hoping there will be unlockable/upgradable moves as we progress like dodges and attacks. A welcome addition I'd love to see further along in the swordsmanship tree would be group finishers, now in real time rather than a cut-scene as it was in TW2 sounds awesome.

I'm cautiously optimistic that we haven't seen everything combat has to offer in the final game. I will agree that I'd like to see more variety in the types of attacks - More variety in the initiating attack, a few thrust/lunge animations or at the very least have the thrust/lunge attack(s) that is in the game happen more often compared to always spin attacks. Like to see a few regular attacks as well (no spinning involved)

I honestly do not mind the spinning sword swings, it would just be great to have more variation in between these types of attacks. Geralt's speed in TW3 expresses his mutation and being a witcher well and I love it. This will also open up the opportunity for fast enemy types that were absent in previous titles. (hopefully) I recommend anyone on the fence or against some of these animations & attack types to slow down the video and then analyze the footage, you might come away with a different outlook. I'm thinking Geralt's speed is definitely playing a role why some people dislike a few animations

However, I'll take what I can get and even if there were only a handful of animations left to see, I would still be content and love TW3 just as much. there is also something to do with the weapons that we have yet to hear about. I noticed a numerical system i.e. 98.2, 97.6 etc. as examples on the swords, that I will assume means degradation (possibly something to do with dismemberment?)

From what little that I have seen, I am already liking the combat and consider it a natural evolution and welcome upgrade from TW2.

Why not? That would be awesome! That way I can pick between cutting off body parts and just killing them normally.
Agreed. That would give the best of both worlds imo. If you want to dismember an opponent use a strong strike, if not, use a light attack. Opens up more options and gives control to the player.
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When Geralt cleaves that guy in two, with his "charged" attack, it reminded me of this scene in The Lady Of The Lake:

'I knew you'd come,' Yennefer said, straightening up proudly. 'Geralt, teach these ruffians what a sword in the hands of a witcher can do.'
She raised her hands high, lifting the shackles. Geralt grasped Sihil in both hands, cocked his head slightly and took aim. He slashed. So fast that no one saw the blade move.
The shackles fell with a clatter to the floor. One of the guards sighed. Geralt tightened his grip, moving his index finger under the hilt.
'Don't move, Yen. Tilt your head slightly to the side, please.'
The sorceress did not even blink. The sound of the sword striking metal was very faint.
The dimeritium collar fell beside the chains on the floor. On the sorceress' neck appeared one tiny drop of blood. She rubbed her wrists and laughed. She slowly turned to the guards. None of them held her gaze.
What do you guys think about upcoming game "Shadow of Mordor" combat system?
I think it looks like poop, I HATE/DISLIKE all the bullshit on screen. Numbers/Floating Icons/ QTE's/ and that ugly Mini Map just kills it, So.. NO... I will never buy it. The graphics suck and it's to bad, because the combat could be fun, but I won't even give it a chance when all I see is stupid video game-ee bullshit all over the screen. Video game devs in general need to get a freaking clue and stop doing that crap, it is hard to see past all that fake shit when it's in your face. I want to feel like my player is in a real living world and Not in a video game, even if it is just a video game;)
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What do you guys think about upcoming game "Shadow of Mordor" combat system?

I think they've shamelessly copied Arkham, and we've all experienced that combat for 3 games now. I enjoy the Arkham combat, but I prefer Witcher avoids the heavy use of bullet time and emphasizes stats, effects and timed parries/counters.

On the repetitive attacks: I'm reminding myself we've seen a small slice of the combat, with Geralt at a certain level. We'll unlock new moves in the sword tree a la TW1, and if they said they've mo-capped 90+ animations I'm sure they're in the game.

edit- ha, I watched the vid I posted earlier again and I notice Geralt now bumps the tips of the sheath with his left hand so it angles forward to re-sheathe. Damn, REDs are obsessed with detail.
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90+ animations look good on paper but what does it matter if the combat doesn't come even close to TW1s combat which came out in 2007 and the animations in that game were a visual feast? I just don't see any variety. Will there be actually any difference between using steel and silver sword this time?
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