[bug] Cyberware change at max cyber points

On this screen I have all top tier cyberwares, including Gorrilla firefists at arms (RAMIONA) slot. Points used in max 320/321.

I was trying to change a slotted firefists to some other cyberware because all of them cost the same 8 points. But something went wrong (no idea what) and game did not allow for a change, moreover it removed firefists from slot and displayed message that I'm over the cyber points level and I cannot slot anything into arms.

As you can see on above screenshots I have the same 320/321 cyber points, regardless with or without the fists slotted.

Game not only removed the firefists but also stolen 8 cyber points.
Reloading game was a solution, like it seems best way for most of the weird bugs.
Not sure, but likely related to this :
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